Search Results for: TTP


The Turkmen City of Amirli in Iraq Under Siege by Islamic State


Ansar al Sharia fired rockets at Labraq airport in Beida. Operation Dignity said one of its aircraft crashed near Beida, killing the pilot, but that the crash was due to a technical failure. The former GNC began an investigation into the source of the aircraft that targeted Islamists in Tripoli. Grand Mufti Al Ghariani urged […]

United Kingdom

The government raised the terror alert level to “severe,” the second highest level, due to concerns that terrorists in Syria and Iraq are planning attacks against the West. Urging vigilance, the head of national counterterrorism police said, “[I]t is highly likely that a terrorist attack could happen in the UK.”


US Identifies Citizens Joining Rebels in Syria, Including ISIS

Ansar Jerusalem beheads 4 Egyptians accused of being Israeli ‘spies’

A little more than one week after the Islamic State released a video featuring the beheading of an American photojournalist, Ansar Jerusalem has released a video online showing four Egyptian civilians being executed in the same manner. The video marks an escalation in the tactics Ansar Jerusalem is willing to broadcast in its propaganda.

US Military

Pew poll: More Americans support more active involvement overseas

United States

President Obama said the US does not yet have a strategy for defeating the Islamic State, but said the US focus for now is on protecting American personnel in Iraq. Sources said James Foley and at least three other captives were waterboarded and tortured by the Islamic State in Syria. Ahmad Ibrahim Al Ahmad, a […]


Thirty-six Taliban fighters and nine policemen are reported to have been killed in fighting in Ghor. The military claimed it retook control of the Doab district in Nuristan. The Taliban killed three Afghan soldiers in IED attacks. The military said it captured 27 Pakistanis in Paktika.


Islamic State fighters are said to have torched three wellheads as they withdrew from the Ain Zalah oilfield. The military claimed it killed 34 Islamic State fighters in Bayji, 12 in Babil, seven in Ninewa, and seven more in Haditha. The US launched five airstrikes near the Mosul Dam.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Top Cleric Warns Youth to Beware ‘Jihad Calls’


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Aleppo, where it used US cannons seized in Iraq; and in Deir Izzour, where regime aircraft struck a meeting of IS leaders, killing a number of foreign fighters at the house of “the military commander of the Operation Chamber of the Airbase of Deir Ezzor which is affiliated […]


Arrest warrants were issued for Islamic State commander Imad Jomaa, who was detained in Arsal on Aug. 2, and Ahmad Jomaa, another militant; authorities are continuing to interrogate 18 other suspects who were arrested during the Arsal clashes. Imad Jomaa is charged with crimes including attempting to set up an Islamic emirate in Arsal. Military […]


Egypt said it would carry out military strikes in Libya if so requested by the Libyan parliament. The Sinai-based terrorist group Ansar Jerusalem (Ansar Bayt al Maqdis) released a video showing the beheading of four Egyptian men it accused of spying for Israel. Egyptian intelligence said the group has contacts with Libyan jihadists who are […]


Gunmen killed a policeman in Benghazi. Four Egyptian Christians were abducted at a checkpoint near Sirte by gunmen who asked about their religious beliefs. After a report by Libyan envoy Ibrahim Dabbashi that his country was close to civil war, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution yesterday authorizing sanctions on individuals or groups that […]


US air strikes on Syria would face formidable obstacles

United Kingdom

United Kingdom: Cameron dismisses Johnson’s ‘presumption of guilt’ terror plan

Islamic State

Islamic State: Arab leaders reluctant to heed US call for ‘allies against Isis’


Indian Muslim Said to Have Joined ISIS Is Reported Dead

Islamic State

US National Security Council aware of reports that second American killed in Syria


Somali and African Union forces have taken over the town of Tiyeglow from Shabaab militants, who withdrew into nearby forests on Aug. 25, giving the government control of the Bakool region. AMISOM has announced a “second phase” of the campaign against Shabaab, which will focus on militant bases in central and southern Somalia.


President Kenyatta urged police chiefs from 13 African countries to share intelligence on terrorism, and to crack down on the illicit trade in wildlife products that helps to fund terrorism. The Special Police unit shot and killed three “thugs” in Nairobi’s Gigiri neighborhood, a short distance from the US Embassy and UN complex, after trailing […]


In wake of James Foley’s murder, does Britain have a jihadi problem?


Raid on ISIS suspect in the French Riviera


Authorities refused to comment on a Norwegian media report that the July 24 terror alert was triggered by warnings that four Islamic State operatives were on their way to Norway via Greece to commit a major attack. Authorities reportedly said that two Norwegians answer directly to IS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi; one is Bastian […]

Al Qaeda

Australia: Terrifying legacy emerges from success of Operation Pendennis