Search Results for: Iran


Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri visited Baghdad while Kuwait named its ambassador to Iraq. Iran denied sponsoring the Special Groups. Coalition forces detained nine al Qaeda operatives during raids. Iraqi forces detained 15 insurgents in Baghdad and an al Qaeda leader in Fallujah.


Coalition forces detained an al Qaeda bombing-cell leader and eight additional suspects in separate operations. Iraqi troops arrested 23 insurgents in southern Baghdad province. Iraqi security forces arrested 25 Sadrists during a raid on a mosque in Diwaniyah. The US military has denied Iranian reporters access to Coalition facilities.


Coalition forces, US embassy ban Iranian media from accessing coalition bases


Police and military units clashed in the Lower Shabelle region. Shabaab terrorists killed a senior UN official and wounded two others. The prime minister accused the Islamic Courts of breaking the peace agreement signed last month. The chief of the courts in Hiran resigned after accusing the government of failing to do its job.


Syria ‘would break links with Iran’ if America steps in to help it


Mullah Abdul Salaam blames Pakistanis and Iranians for attacks on British


Thirty-nine Somalis were reported killed during fighting between Shabaab and African Union, Somali, and Ethiopian troops throughout Somalia. Twenty-five of those were reported killed during fighting in the central province of Hiran, including six Shabaab fighters.

Al Qaeda

Spain arrested three Algerian al Qaeda financiers behind operations in Iraq, Pakistan, Algeria, and Iran. The founder of al Qaeda’s first women-only website will be among several women to denounce al Qaeda during interviews to be aired on Saudi television.

Mahdi Army decimated during recent fighting

Muqtada-Sadr-image.jpgAn Iraqi intelligence report said more than 2,000 Mahdi Army fighters were killed during fighting over the past several months. “This led to the almost complete collapse of the army.” Operations against the Mahdi Army continue in Baghdad and the South.


Iran Threatens ‘Strong Blow’ if Arch-Enemy Israel Strikes


Israel ‘held Iran attack exercise’


Two policemen were killed in an attack that targeted President Abdullahi Yusuf’s convoy in Mogadishu. A senior Somali military officer resigned after claiming Ethiopian military officers interfered with his command. The provincial government and security forces are reported to have withdrawn from Beledweyne in Hiran.

Al Qaeda

Iran: Leader of the Sunni Movements