Search Results for: suicide assault

Arakzai Taliban take credit for mosque suicide attacks

Mullah Saaed Hafiz, the deputy commander of the Arakzai Taliban, said the attacks were executed to avenge Pakistani military strikes in Hangu and Darra Adam Khel that killed 47 people, including a pro-Taliban cleric.

Taliban assault ministries in Kabul

Nineteen reported killed, more than 50 wounded in suicide attacks and gun battles at the Justice and Education ministries and a prison office.

Suicide bomber strikes in Uruzgan police station

Twenty-one policemen were killed when a suicide bomber detonated his explosives at a training center in Tarin Kot, Afghanistan. The attack is the latest targeting police and intelligence compounds in the south and east.

Taliban assault military base in Mohmand

The Taliban attacked a Frontier Corps base in battalion strength; 40 Taliban fighters and 15 Frontier Corps troops reported killed; more than 25 troops reported missing. Four soldiers were mutilated in Bajaur.

40 Killed in Islamabad suicide attack

Officials fear more than 100 people are believed to have been killed in the suicide strike at the Marriott Hotel as an unknown number are trapped in the burning building.

Suicide attack in Pakistan’s northwest kills 25

A Pashtun party’s political rally is the target of the Taliban attack. Only four of the 24 districts in the Northwest Frontier Province have been rated as having a security situation sufficiently stable to hold elections.

Islamists retake Red Mosque; Suicide attack in Islamabad

Islamists paint the dome of the Red Mosque. Click to view. 11 killed in bombing at hotel near the mosque compound Just one day after the reopening of the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, the radical, Taliban and al Qaeda-supporting Islamist students of the mosque have reoccupied the complex. Fighting appears to have broken out […]

Taliban take credit for suicide attacks in Pakistan

North Waziristan Taliban commander said attacks are in retaliation for the Red Mosque assault As the Pakistani government continues with negotiating to restore the Waziristan Accord with the Taliban in North Waziristan, the Taliban has admitted to conducting suicide attacks across the country. Maulvi Abdul Khaliq Haqqani, a member of the Taliban Shura in North […]

Suicide bombing at Islamabad courthouse kills 13

Over 50 wounded in attack where ousted Chief Justice was scheduled to speak; government still negotiation with Taliban in North Waziristan The suicide attacks that have plagued the Northwest Frontier Province have shifted to the heart of Pakistan in the capital of Islamabad. A suicide bomber on a motorcycle pulled into a crowd at the […]

Suicide bomber kills 24 Pakistani troops in Northwest Frontier Province

NWFP/FATA map. Red agencies/ districts openly controlled by the Taliban; purple is defacto control; yellow is under threat. Click map to view. Army convoy hit en route to Miramshah as violence increases throughout the Northwest Frontier Province The Northwest Frontier Province is in danger of catching fire in the aftermath of the assault on the […]

Red Mosque leader Abdul Rasheed Ghazi killed during assault

Abdul Rashid Ghazi. Click to view. Mosque compound still being cleared, over 100 reported killed The assault by Pakistani forces on the radical Islamist mosque known as the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque, has resulted in the death of Abdul Rasheed Ghazi, the mosque’s leader. Ghazi was shot and killed in the basement of the […]