Search Results for: Pakistan


Two suicide bombers attacked a court in Peshawar, killing two people and wounding 30 more. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan suspended peace talks with the government.


Pakistan – Christians told, ‘protest again and you will die!’

Benghazi suspect fled to Pakistan, recently detained in Libya

Al-Chalabi-Faraj.jpgA Libyan named Faraj al Chalabi has been detained in connection with the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi. It is “unclear” what role he is suspected of playing, but he fled to Pakistan afterwards. Muammar Qaddafi’s regime previously said he worked for al Qaeda.


Pakistan – TTP may include Dr. Khan, Faheem in list of guarantors


Pakistani Christians close schools to protest over riot


Five people were killed in a bombing inside of a mosque in Peshawar. A Muslim mob torched dozens of homes in a Christian neighborhood in Karachi after a Christian man was accused of committing blasphemy.


Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in operations in Arakzai and Khyber. Eleven Taliban and Ansarul Islam fighters were killed in clashes in Khyber’s Tirah Valley. The US said Pakistan may face sanctions if it completes a gas pipeline with Iran.


Women pedal for ‘girl power’ in Pakistan


Five Taliban fighters and one security official were killed in fighting in Arakzai. The Taliban released a video of a university chancellor who was kidnapped in Peshawar two years ago. Pakistan will build a gas line to Iran despite US objections.


A UN Human Rights Council report said a “sense of impunity” surrounds the hundreds, if not thousands, of forced disappearances in Pakistan which, according to the report, became widespread after 9/11. Although the cases typically involved a person’s arrest by law enforcement authorities working in conjunction with intelligence agencies, the UN Working Group “was unable […]


Inside Pakistan’s only ski school

Head Pakistani cleric backpedals on suicide attacks

Two days after announcing that suicide attacks are permissible in “occupied” Muslim countries where jihadists do not possess an atomic bomb, Pakistan’s chief cleric tried to backtrack. NATO and Afghan officials are not convinced.


War-weariness?: Taliban may launch political party

Pakistani Taliban threaten mobile phone sellers in Peshawar

Pakistani authorities display apparent ignorance over the rash of attacks targeting mobile phone shops in northwestern Pakistan, even as Pakistani militants state their intention to rid Pakistan of “un-Islamic” ring tones and other mobile phone accessories.


The military killed eight “militants” in airstrikes in Arakzai. “Gunmen” killed a journalist in North Waziristan. The Taliban bombed four schools in Mohmand.


Security forces killed four Taliban fighters and three Lashar-e-Islam members in operations in Khyber. One security official was killed in a blast at a paramilitary camp in Khyber.


Prosecutor: terror proof strong against Fla. imam


Unanimous decision: Peace militia formed in South Waziristan


Police arrested a Taliban fundraiser and four “militants” in Karachi. Pakistan requested that Afghanistan extradite former Taliban commander Faqir Mohammed. Police have initiated a blasphemy probe against Sherry Rehman, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US.


The military killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The government postponed polio vaccinations in Quetta after yesterday’s deadly bombing that killed scores of Shiites.


Pakistan faces growing anger over sectarian bombings


A bombing in Quetta killed 79 Pakistani Shiites and wounded more than 170. Security forces killed a Taliban fighter and detained 12 more during operations in Bannu and Taxila.