Search Results for: Lashkar-e-Taiba


Police arrested seven Pakistanis in Barcelona and the surrounding area. The Pakistanis are thought to be members of a support cell linked to al Qaeda and the Lashkar-e-Taiba.


The military killed eight Taliban fighters in artillery strikes in Arakzai. The Taliban killed two soldiers in IED attacks in South Waziristan and Hangu. A US court summoned the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate and the head of Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Pakistani minister ♥ the Taliban

Remember when, immediately after the Lashkar-e-Taiba carried out the terror assault on the city of Mumbai in November 2008, a Pakistani Army corps commander called Taliban leaders Baitullah Mehsud and Mullah Fazlullah “patriots” during a briefing with senior Pakistani journalists? We do. Sadly, that sentiment runs deep in Pakistani military and government circles. Yesterday, Maulana […]

Pakistan squashes US bid to expand Predator campaign

The Washington Post reported today that Pakistan is resisting US efforts to expand the US Predator campaign beyond the tribal areas and into Baluchistan. The U.S. appeal has focused on the area surrounding the Pakistani city of Quetta, where the Afghan Taliban leadership is thought to be based. But the request also seeks to expand […]


The US Treasury sanctioned leaders of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Taiba terror groups. The military killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The government fired 800 education employees for failing to stop Taliban attacks on schools.

Siraj Haqqani sheltering in Kurram, near area of US helicopter strikes

The operational leader of the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network is thought to have been in the same area in Pakistan where US Apache helicopters carried out cross-border attacks last month. Siraj’s presence in part sparked the Pakistani military’s outrage over the incursion.

Pakistan is not conducting ‘surgical’ raids in North Waziristan

Buried at the end of this Wall Street Journal article on Admiral Mike Mullen’s infatuation with Pakistan (a topic worthy of a book in itself), are these two completely false paragraphs that claim Pakistan is conducting covert operations against al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Haqqani Network based in North Waziristan: Pakistan currently conducts “surgical” […]


Police arrested two Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives in Tongi on the outskirts of the capital of Dhaka. Wazed Khan, a Pakistani national who is an explosive expert for a cell, and a Bangladeshi named Abu Bakar Siddique were captured on Oct. 9; explosives were also found during the raid.

Al Qaeda’s #3 misidentified again

An al Qaeda leader named Sheikh Younis al Mauritani has been identified as al Qaeda’s external operations chief and number three in the organization. According to US intelligence officials contacted by The Long War Journal, he is neither.


Police arrested three men, including a senior Lashkar-e-Taiba leader, during a raid in Dhaka. The commander, Khurram, a Pakistani citizen who is also known as Muhammad Selim, has been identified by other captured LeT operatives as the local leader of LeT.


The Indian Mujahideen, a front group for the Lashkar-e-Taiba, threatened to launch biological attacks in the state of Assam if its demands are not met. “Free all our Jihadi brothers who are in Central Jail, Guwahati, stop all activities against Jihad in Assam, stop all project of [development] in Assam,” an email to an Indian […]

Gates: ‘A success for one is a success for all’

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had some interesting things to say during a speech at Duke University on Wednesday. In particular, the following caught my eye. From Reuters: [Gates] later fielded questions from students, telling them eastern Afghanistan “is increasingly an unholy syndicate of terrorist groups working together: al Qaeda, the Haqqani network, the Pakistani […]

Rise in Predator strikes in Pakistan aimed at foiling Mumbai in Europe

According to Sky News, the recent spike in US Predator strike in Pakistan (21 this month) can be attributed to an attempt to foil Mumbai-like terror assaults in major European cities: Intelligence agencies have intercepted a terror plot to launch Mumbai-style attacks on Britain and other European countries, according to Sky News sources. Sky’s foreign […]

Why has the US ramped up attacks in North Waziristan?

In a report at the Christian Science Monitor that attempts to explain why the US has ramped up Predator/Reaper attacks in North Waziristan, there is a great description of the strength of al Qaeda and allied groups in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency: According to US estimates, there are about 2,000 Al Qaeda militants in the […]

Pakistan may free Sufi Mohammed

Sufi Mohammad. More than a year ago, a trusted source and expert on Pakistan said that if you wanted to know how serious Pakistan is about fighting terrorists in its midst, observe how it deals with its homegrown terrorist leaders. Pakistan has been unwilling (or unable, or both, depending on your point of view) to […]

USAID leader in Pakistan supports Jamaat-ud-Dawa front

Rajiv Shah, the USAID chief, visited a camp in Sukkur run by the Falah-i-Insaniat, a front run by Jamaat-ud-Dawa. Shah delivered two truckloads of supplies to the camp, while Jamaat-ud-Dawa, used the visit as part of its propaganda.