Search Results for: Iran


Coalition forces captured five operatives from the Iranian-backed Army of the Righteous in Baghdad. Coalition forces captured 14 suspected al Qaeda operatives during raids in Baghdad and central and northern Iraq. Iraqi soldiers captured 14 al Qaeda fighters north of Baqubah. Iraqi police arrested two “wanted men” in Dhi Qhar.


The Islamic Courts Union set up sharia courts in Buulobardte, the provincial capital of Hiran. Colonel Barre Hirale vowed to fight the Islamic Courts in Kismayo. Three Somali soldiers were wounded in a grenade attack near Baidoa.

Senior Special Groups leader captured at Baghdad airport

The unnamed leader has traveled to Iran and Lebanon to consult with Iranian agents and Hezbollah. He was also behind the June 24 bombing attack at the Sadr City District Advisory Council meeting that killed two US soldiers, two members of the US State Department, and six Iraqis.


A suicide bomber killed 25 civilians and wounded 35 in an attack on a police recruiting station in northern Diyala. Iraqi forces detained 36 insurgents in Baghdad and three in Mosul. Coalition forces captured eight al Qaeda fighters in central and northern Iraq and two Hezbollah Brigades operatives in Baghdad. Iraqi troops captured four Special […]


Aide: Iraq’s al-Sadr may stay in Iran for years


Report: Senior Al Qaeda Official In Yemen Funded By Iran, Libya


Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to Train Iraqi Shiite Youths


Iran and Hezbollah continue to support Shia terror groups in Iraq. US Marines killed three insurgents in southwestern Anbar province. Coalition forces detained eight al Qaeda fighters during raids in central and northern Iraq. US soldiers detained a Special Groups operative in the Rashid district of Baghdad.


Coalition forces killed one al Qaeda operative and detained five while targeting the group’s financial infrastructure in Baghdad. Iraqi forces detained 34 insurgents in Baghdad and captured an al Qaeda leader in Baqubah. Two police were killed and six were wounded in an IED attack in Baqubah. Two police were killed and five wounded in […]

The Chai count

The US Army discovers a new way to measure the effectiveness of counterinsurgency efforts in Diyala province.

The Hamdan Verdict

salim_hamdan.jpgSalim Hamdan, Osama bin Laden’s driver and bodyguard, has been found guilty of supporting terrorism by a military jury at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Six powers to hold talks Wednesday on Iran nuclear program


Coalition forces detained 20 suspected al Qaeda fighters during raids in central and northern Iraq. Iraqi special forces captured two Special Groups operatives in Baghdad. US troops captured a Special Groups operative in New Baghdad. US troops found a large cache in the Kadhamiyah district of Baghdad that included Iranian-made C-4 and 11 EFPs.


Iraqi and Coalition forces captured seven al Qaeda operatives in Diyala and Tamim provinces. Iraqi security forces killed a suicide bomber in Fallujah and detained three “gunmen” in Karbala, four al Qaeda fighters in Kirkuk, and 10 insurgents throughout Iraq. Ansar al Islam is still active on the Iranian border. Seven civilians were wounded in […]