Search Results for: Iran


US eyes Iran for resupply of Afghan forces


Two Iraqis were killed and 21 were wounded in a bombing in Mosul. A senior Awakening leader was killed in an IED attack in Balad. Security forces detained 10 wanted men in Baghdad, three in Diyala, and three more in Nasariyah. MNF-I denied rumors that it released two Iranian prisoners.


Kuwaiti security forces detained a man who is an al Qaeda recruiter in the Gulf states and a ‘go-between’ for al Qaeda in Iran and Afghanistan. The operative, who is being identified as MSAA, is a former Kuwaiti military officer. He had been watched for over two years.

Binyam Mohamed: The false martyr

Allegations of abuse are repeated verbatim by a willing press, but the US government’s allegations and evidence against Mohamed are often ignored or downplayed.


Iraq: Troops in Iraq find recently made Iranian munitions


Iran Is Helping Taliban in Afghanistan, Petraeus Says


Th semi-autonomous region of Puntland has welcomed the appointment of the new Prime Minister. Ethiopian said it would support the new government. Ethiopian troops have withdrawn from the strategic Kala-Beyr crossroads in the central Hiran region


A female suicide bomber detonated her vest in a crowd of Shia pilgrims in Iskandariyah as they traveled to Karbala; 30 Iraqis were killed and scores were wounded. Two children were killed in a landmine explosion in Hillah. Three soldiers were wounded in a gunfight in Mosul. Iraqi forces detained an al Qaeda leader in […]

Former Iran president Khatami to run again


Prime Minister Maliki’s political list won in nine of 14 provinces, while the Sadrist-backed lists fared poorly. A female suicide bomber killed 15 Iraqis and wounded 13 more in an attack at a cafe in in Khanaqin. Iraqi police killed a senior Mahdi Army commander after he returned to Diwaniyah from Iran.


US cmdr: Iran still supporting extremists in Iraq – report

Saudi Arabia’s most-wanted

Saudi Arabia has released a list of 85 “most-wanted” terrorists that includes 11 former Guantanamo detainees. The list also includes an al Qaeda terrorist operating a major network inside Iran.


A suicide bomber wearing a police uniform killed 21 policemen after he detonated his vest in the middle of a reserve training center in Tarin Kot in Uruzgan province. NATO said it would not oppose its members using Iran for an alternate supply route.


Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal praised Iran for its assistance during the recent fighting in Gaza. The Israeli Air Force killed a member of a mortar cell team that launched a rocket into southern Israel. Israeli troops killed a gunman that attacked a checkpoint in the West Bank.


President Sharif said Somali groups should “unify our ranks and confront those who commit violence.” The Islamic Courts Union welcomed the election of Sharif, their former leader. Shabaab’s branch in Kismayo rejected Sharif’s election. Ethiopian troops re-entered Somalia and took control of a crossroads in Hiran province.


An Egyptian official said Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s attack against Egypt is proof he “takes orders from Tehran.” The leader of the Lebanese Forces hit back at Nasrallah for his inquiry on four kidnapped Iranian diplomats. Samir Geagea said Nasrallah is the legitimate representative of Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Lebanon.


Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said Israel’s Mossad was behind the 2008 assassination of Imad Mugniyah, Hezbollah’s military leader. Cyprus reportedly detained an Iranian ship carrying arms believed to be destined for Hezbollah or Hamas. The ship was en route to Syria.

The Jihadi Brothers

A DC court ruled that Ghaleb Nassar al Bihani, a detainee at Guantanamo, is being lawfully detained as an enemy combatant. Al Bihani is one of several brothers who have served al Qaeda in some capacity.


Hamas killed one Israeli soldier and wounded three more in a bombing along the Israeli-Gaza Strip border; heavy fighting broke out afterward. Foreign Minister Livni said “Israel needs to respond immediately” to such attacks. Egypt refused entry to the Suez Canal to an Iranian ship laden with weapons and bound for Gaza.

Arabian Peninsula al Qaeda groups merge

Al Qaeda in Yemen announced its merger with Saudi Arabia’s al Qaeda organization to form al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The Yemeni government supports Hamas.

Return to Jihad

Two former Guantanamo detainees appear in an al Qaeda propaganda video. Both detainees have senior positions in al Qaeda in Yemen and have been accused of working with a charity operating in Iran.


The Iraqi government is said to be negotiating for the release of five Britons kidnapped by Shia terrorists. The Iraqi Army claimed to have captured the “second man in al-Qaeda organization.” Insurgents killed two policemen in Fallujah and two Awakening fighters in Hillah. Iraqi forces captured five wanted men and two Iranians in Basrah, and […]


Security forces detained 22 insurgents in Baghdad, 16 terrorists in Baqubah, two gunmen in Kirkuk, and a Special Groups cell leader in Wasit. A man who claimed the People™s Mujahedeen of Iran trained him to become a suicide bomber turned himself in to Iraqi authorities.

Al Qaeda

US sanctions Iran-based al Qaeda; Zawahiri promises fighters to Yemen