Search Results for: Iran


An Ethiopian army force reportedly re-entered the central province of Hiran and set up a base at the Kala-Beyr junction. The Islamic Courts and Shabaab battled outside Jowhar; one fighter was reported killed. Shabaab raided and looted UN officers in Johwar.


Seventeen Shabaab fighters, including four foreigners, were killed in a premature detonation at a car bomb workshop in Mogadishu. Three Shabaab fighters were killed during an ambush by the Islamic Courts in the village of Ayn in Hiran province. Puntland police detained 15 pirates and seized five boats.

Shabaab on the offensive in Somalia

Shabaab and the allied Hizbul Islam are consolidating control of central and southern Somalia and are ousting Islamist forces loyal to President Sharif, their former ally.


Sixteen people were killed as Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Waljama battled for control over the town of Wabho in central Somalia. The Islamic Courts’ governor of Hiran survived two IED attacks in Beletwein, the provincial capital of Hiran. A curfew has been imposed in Beletwein.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

The Islamic State of Iraq released a 12 minute audiotape titled ‘Lying Agents’ by its leader Abu Omar al Baghdadi, who mocks the government for claiming he is detention. Baghdadi denigrated the Shia as liars, claimed his group’s attacks on Iranians forced Iran to close its border, and said his followers would achieve victory in […]

US journalist freed by Iran, reunites with parents


Eleven Iraqis were killed and 44 more were wounded in two car bombings in Baghdad. Iranian snipers killed two fishermen in the marshes in Maysan province. US troops killed two al Qaeda fighters and captured six more in Salahadin province. Iraqi forces captured 15 wanted men in Baghdad and Salahadin, four in Basrah and two […]

Major fighting in Afghanistan’s east and west

More than 50 Taliban have been reported killed during clashes in Farah and Kunar province. In Kunar, the remains of a US soldier who went missing after the Taliban assaulted an outpost have been found.


Afghanistan seeks Iran™s involvement with Taliban


Israel has reportedly sunk a second Iranian ship carrying weapons destined for Hamas in Gaza. All members of the crew reportedly were killed. The attacks are said to have occurred off the coast of Sudan in the Red Sea.


Iran’s leader blames US, Israel for Iraq attacks


Two suicide bombers killed more than 60 Iraqis and Iranians and wounded more than 125 outside a shrine in Baghdad. Yesterday’s suicide attack in Diyala killed 56 people. Two Iraqis were killed in an IED attack in Diyala and a policeman was killed in Fallujah. Iraqi intelligence said Baathists are conducting suicide attacks.


Afghan Police killed one Iranian soldier and detained two more after the Iranians crossed the border in Nimroz province. Coalition and Afghan forces killed two Taliban fighters in Uruzgan province and captured four in Helmand province and three more in Logar province.

Islamic State of Iraq leader reported captured

Unconfirmed reports from the Iraqi Army said Abu Omar al Baghdadi was captured in eastern Baghdad. The US military has not confirmed the report. More than 60 Iraqis have been killed in two suicide bombings in Baghdad and Diyala.


The Taliban in Nimroz province murdered a couple for planning to elope. A Canadian soldier was killed in an IED attack in Kandahar. One policeman was killed during a Taliban attack on a checkpoint in Herat province. Iran offers to train the Afghan police.

Yemeni detainee at Gitmo to be freed

The US Justice Department has agreed to release a Yemeni detainee from Guantanamo. The detainee, Ayman Saeed Abdullah Batarfi, is a well-educated orthopedic surgeon who allegedly worked for al Qaeda and assisted the organization’s chief anthrax scientist.


Saudi Jihadist accuses Iran of sponsoring al Qaeda

Analysis: US outlines new Afghanistan strategy

The focus is on Pakistan’s sanctuaries, a troop and civilian “surge,” accelerating the growth of the Afghan security forces, reconciliation with the Taliban, improved governance, and international cooperation.


Iran to attend Hague Afghanistan conference: Dutch


The US military and the Iraqi military both confirmed that an Iranian UAV was shot down east of Baghdad in late February. Iraqi forces detained 103 wanted men during a sweep in Basrah and five more in Kirkuk, and a policeman in Maysan. A US soldier was killed in Baghdad.


US military confirms it shot down Iranian drone


Three members of Iran’s Qods Force were detained in Khalis. Security forces detained 15 al Qaeda fighters in Sinjar, four in Wasit province, two more in Diyala, and four wanted men in Maysan province. One woman was killed and seven Iraqis, including four policemen, were wounded in bombings in Baghdad.


US seeks new Afghan supply routes, even in Iran


The US is considering using Iran as an alternate supply route for its forces in Afghanistan. The Afghan government urged Iran to aid in stabilizing the country. One Canadian soldier was killed and four were wounded in an IED attack in Kandahar.