Search Results for: Iran


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed five Iranian pilgrims and wounded 37 more during an ambush north of Baqubah. Security forces detained nine suspected Special Groups operatives in Nasariyah, five wanted men near Hillah and five more in Kirkuk, five members of a forgery ring in Maysan, an al Qaeda operative from Saudi Arabia and a […]


Insurgents killed two policemen in Mosul and two more in Ramadi, and a farmer in Jalawlaa. The Iranian-backed Special Groups conducted attacks against US forces in Karbala, Diwaniyah, and Nasariyah, but no casualties were reported.


Three US soldiers were killed during a mortar and rocket attack on a base in Basrah. Security forced detained nine terrorists in Diyala and five wanted men and two “Iranian infiltrators” in Basrah.

Mustafa Hamid

The senior al Qaeda leader serves as the terror group’s emir of and ambassador to Iran.


German intel denies Iran nuclear report


Nine Iraqis were killed and 22 more were wounded in two bombings in Mosul. Two Iraqis were killed and seven more were wounded in a rocket attack in Fallujah. Police detained an Iranian-trained labor activist accused of being a Special Groups leader.


The Hezbollah Brigades, the Iraqi branch of the Iranian-backed Lebanese Hezbollah, said it was proud of being designated as a terrorist entity by the US government. “Classifying us on the American terror list means that we are still marching on the right path,” the group said in a statement.


Ten Somalis were killed during mortar attacks in northern Mogadishu. Government officials in Hiran defected and joined Hizbul Islam. Ahlu Sunna Waljama claimed it took control of southern Galka™yo.

United States

Syria mends US, Arab ties as ally Iran in turmoil


Gates: Gulf nations support of Iraq contains Iran


EU: Ministers urge probe of alleged Iranian poll fraud


US Defense Secretary said Iran is “playing a bit of double game in Afghanistan” by arming the Taliban. NATO ministers back the US plan to shake up the command structure in Afghanistan and give more control to the US. A British soldier was killed in an IED attack in Kandahar province. Afghan and Coalition forces […]


A Taliban commander with links to Iran’s Qods Force may have survived the June 10 airstrike in Ghor province; 10 civilians were reported killed in the strike. Afghan and Coalition forces killed 41 Taliban fighters in Badghis and Farah provinces.


In Ghor province, a Coalition airstrike killed a Taliban leader with links to Iran’s Qods Force; the strike also killed 16 other fighters. In Uruzgan province, 30 Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed during three days of fighting. The Afghan Army killed five Taliban fighters and two more in Kunar province. In Kunduz yesterday, […]


Iranian weapons getting through to Taliban

US releases Iraqi Shia terror group leader

Laith-Qazali.JPGLaith al Qazali, the brother of Qais Qazali and a leader of the Qods Force-backed League of the Righteous, a Mahdi Army splinter group, was set free as part of negotiations to secure the release of five British hostages.


Nine Iraqis were killed in a bombing in Baghdad and one more was killed in a suicide attack in Mosul. Iraqi and Coalition forces detained terrorist cell leaders and four aides in Baqubab and Qayyara, four Special Groups fighters in Al Kut, and an Iranian in Basrah. Romania has ended it mission in Iraq.


Eight people were killed and more than 50 were injured during fighting between government troops and Hizbul Islam in Mogadishu. Five policemen were killed and five civilians were wounded in an IED attack in Mogadishu. Ethiopian troops are conducting an operation in the mountains in Hiran province.


Iran ready to aid Lebanon army: Nasrallah

Pakistan detained senior Shadow Army commander

Abu Sufyan al Yemeni is a senior officer who was responsible for facilitating the movement of recruits and operatives into Pakistan’s tribal areas and served as a conduit for communications to al Qaeda cells worldwide.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan detained two senior al Qaeda leaders earlier this year. Abu Sufyan al Yemeni was a Shadow Army commander who served as a conduit for communications between Qaeda leaders in Pakistan and cells in East Africa, Iran, Yemen, and elsewhere. The other man, Zabi al Taifi, is a Saudi national. Three low-level Saudi al Qaeda […]


Pak behind Iran missile test: Israeli expert


Suicide bombers in Baghdad and Kirkuk killed twenty Iraqis, including eight Awakening fighters, and wounded 33 more. Security forces detained 21 wanted men in Basrah and three Iranian and one Iraqi Special Groups operative in Wasit.