Search Results for: Iran

Mahdi Army members assassinated in Syria?

Muqtada al Sadr, the leader of the Mahdi Army. An interesting report from Omar at Iraqi The Model: Unknown gunmen assassinated 30 Mahdi Army commanders in the Syrian capital Damascus. The killings, made in the past few weeks, were all made “quietly, inside the victims apartments”, said an unnamed source in the Sadr movement. The […]


‘Israel not planning Iran strike’

Al Qaeda warns Germany

noordinmtop-thumb.jpgBekkay Harrach, alias Al Hafidh Abu Talha al Almani, warned that Germany would be attacked is Chancellor Merkel is re-elected and the country does not withdraw from Afghanistan.

United Arab Emirates

Security forces arrested 45 suspects thought to be involved with a plot to blow up the Burj Dubai, or Dubai Tower, the tallest building in the world. Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese were among those arrested. Iran is accused of being behind the plot.

Eight killed in North Waziristan airstrike

Several Al Qaeda operatives are believed to have been killed. The attack is the third straight in North Waziristan after previous strikes focused on South Waziristan.

‘Guantanamo Swede’ reportedly arrested in Pakistan

A former Guantanamo detainee named Mehdi Mohammad Ghezali has reportedly been arrested in Pakistan on terrorism charges. According to the Associated Press: Mehdi-Muhammed Ghezali was arrested with two other Swedes and nine other foreigners close to the country’s northwestern tribal regions… The 12 foreigners were arrested Aug. 28 in the town of Dera Ghazi Khan. […]


Eight Iraqis were killed and 65 more were wounded in yesterday’s bombings near a shrine in Musayyab in Babil province. Security forces detained three al Qaeda fighters and two Naqshabandiya fighters in Diyala and six criminals in Basrah. Border security forces in Maysan have stepped up patrols to prevent infiltration from Iran.

Al Qaeda

A jihadi website announced that Osama bin Laden would post a “present” for Ramadan. An al Qaeda operative who was based out of Iran surrendered to the Saudi government; he was on the Saudis’ list of the 85 most-wanted terrorists.

Iraq turns up heat on Syria

Iraq is continuing its war of words with Syria over the latter’s sheltering of al Qaeda and Ba’athist terror groups. From Reuters: “Why must they insist on sheltering the armed organizations and those wanted by Iraqi courts and Interpol on Syrian lands?” Maliki was quoted by his office as saying. … “The crisis with Syria […]


Ethiopian troops are withdrawing from Beletwein, and the governor of Hiran province said his administration is no longer part of the Transitional Federal Government. Two people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam flogged 3 teenage boys accused of rape in Mogadishu.


Was Russia’s ‘Arctic Sea’ carrying missiles to Iran?


Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Malakand and detained seven Turks, three Swedes, a Russian, and an Iranian as they attempted to enter Pakistan. The Taliban beheaded five people in Khyber, killed a tribal leader and kidnapped another in Mohmand, wounded another in Bajaur, and also kidnapped eight Christians in North Waziristan. AQ Khan […]

Looking out for broad revenge (and fixed elections) in Iraq

A legion of analysts are trying to discern Iraq’s future stability since American forces have (mostly) pulled out of cities and the ultimate Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) withdrawal deadline draws closer. Of all the potential flashpoints – Arab-Kurd haggling over Kirkuk, possible reanimation of criminal Shia militias, insidious meddling by Iran, remnants of Al […]

Carnage in Baghdad? Not quite.

I’ve had several inquiries on this piece, “Behind the Carnage in Baghdad”, by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. According to Mr. Ignatius, Iraq will be a fully-owned Iranian subsidiary in a few years. Iraq expert Nibras Kazimi over at Talisman Gate has a masterful response to Mr. Ignatius’ column. Here is a sample, but read […]


More than 30 people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamee’a in central Somalia. Fifty-five Hizbul Islam fighters defected to the government in Hiran. Djibouti will deploy troops in Somalia.

Hamas and al Qaeda-linked group clash in Gaza

Abdul-Latif-Moussa-thumb.jpgHamas attacked the Jund Ansar Allah after the group’s leader declared an Islamic emirate in Rafah. Thirteen were reported killed, including the leader of Hamas’ military wing and Jund Ansar Allah’s leader and military commander.


Insurgents killed 10 Iraqis and wounded 18 more in three bombings in Baghdad, and wounded three policemen in an IED attack in Fallujah. Security forces detained 15 wanted men in Basrah and captured two Iranian “infiltrators” in Khanaqin in Diyala province.


Report: Iran plane was carrying arms for Hezbollah


The People’s Mujahideen claimed the police have killed seven members during clashes at Camp Ashraf; the Diyala police department denied the report. One policeman and one civilian were killed in bombings in Mosul and Anbar. The US believes al Qaeda in Iraq is regrouping in eastern Diyala province near the border with Iran, and said […]


Iran hurts Hezbollah but not at home


The Iraqi Army stormed the People’s Mujahedeen camp after a riot broke out; more than 150 people and 50 security forces were wounded during the clash. Eight Iraqis were killed in a bombing in Baghdad and one was killed in an IED attack in Jalawlaa. Eight policemen were killed during a bank robbery in Baghdad. […]