Search Results for: TTP


Elders warned that Boko Haram has surrounded the Borno capital of Maiduguri in preparation for an attack. Residents of Bama said the military’s claim to have regained control of the city is false, and that Boko Haram still holds it. Boko Haram stormed two more Christian towns in Borno and killed retired military personnel there. […]


The government claimed to have killed over 100 Boko Haram fighters who were attempting to enter the country on Sept. 6 and repelled others back into the Nigerian town of Gamboru Ngala. Communication Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary said that two of the slain Boko Haram fighters were Tuaregs. Some schools in Cameroon near the Nigerian […]

Islamic State

Russia warns US against strikes on Islamic State in Syria


Foreign Minister Fabius said France wants to participate in the airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria. Yesterday France had expressed willingness to “participate, if necessary, in military air action” in Iraq. Mourad Fares a.k.a. Abu Hassan al Faransi, a prominent jihadist recruiter linked to first the Islamic State and then the Al Nusrah Front, […]


Foreign Minister Steinmeier said Germany would not be participating in airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria, and also said his country had not been asked to do so. The Interior Ministry reportedly has “imminent” plans to ban the Islamic State, which has attacked Yazidis in Herford and an asylum home in Berlin-Marie Felde and […]

Al Qaeda

With World Trade site largely rebuilt, New York marks Sept.11

Jamaat-ul-Ahrar celebrates 9/11 attack

“In 2001, Afghanistan was the only Islamic Emirate in the world but now Jihad has spread to a vast swathe of land including Pakistan, Chechnya, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Mali and Nigeria,” the group states.

United Kingdom

Defence Secretary Hammond said after consulting with his German counterpart that the UK will not be taking part in any airstrikes in Syria, as that was ruled out last year. The Prime Minister’s office maintained, however, that regarding the use of air power and the like in Syria, “nothing has been ruled out,” and said […]


Turkey overflowing with $36 billion in mystery funds

United States

President Obama announced a counterterrorism strategy against the Islamic State that will include airstrikes in Syria as well as Iraq and will see 475 additional US troops dispatched to Iraq; the US will lead a “broad coalition” against the IS, and the strategy will center around US air power supporting “partner forces on the ground.” […]


The Ahrar al Sham said that Hashem al-Sheikh a.k.a. Abu Jaber will take over as leader, and Abu Saleh Tahan will become the group’s military commander following the killing of 47 commanders in an explosion in Idlib. A number of the commanders were said to have died of asphyxiation while trapped in an underground bunker […]


President Obama said his strategy to defeat the Islamic State will mirror that of US actions in Somalia and Yemen, will use air power, and will not include ground forces. The US launched an airstrike agains the Islamic State near Irbil. Iraiq special forces killed seven Islamic State fighters outside of Fallujah. The military claimed […]


Egypt calls for global anti-terror strategy


Jihadist-related arrests across Europe, Asia


Police arrested two Lebanese men suspected of spraying pro-Islamic State graffiti in Tripoli; the graffiti threatens that the IS is coming. Security was stepped up around a Beirut hospital said to be treating wounded members of the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State. Foreign Minister Bassil called for a united international front against the […]


France ‘ready’ for military action in Iraq and Syria


SWAT teams raided a house in Jabal Jofeh in east Amman, arresting six Salafists suspected of recruiting and fundraising for the Islamic State ; they had been under surveillance for a month. Over the past two months, 80 suspected IS members have been arrested in Jordan. Mohammad Shalabi a.k.a. Abu Sayyaf, leader of Jordan’s Salafists, […]


The decapitated body of a man was found in Sheikh Zuweid with a note purportedly from Ansar Jerusalem (Ansar Bayt al Maqdis) accusing the victim of spying for Israel. A gunman opened fire on a policeman’s vehicle in Mansoura, killing his son. Mohammad al Beltagy, secretary-general of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice party, was […]


Islamist militias continued their onslaught in Warshefana in an attempt to capture it; at least 43 people, mainly civilians, have been killed by shelling since Sept. 7. Operation Dignity urged militiamen in Benghazi to turn in their weapons, saying terrorists and criminals from the world over have been drawn to the city. Tebu and Arab […]


The Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 12 more terrorists from the Sidi Bouzid area; 12 others were arrested previously in two raids on Sept. 5. Three people were arrested in Kef yesterday for unauthorized use of hunting rifles. The NCA approved four new draft antiterrorism provisions, but faces an uphill battle to complete the […]

Abu Sayyaf

Philippine Bill Would Set Up Autonomous Region in Muslim-Dominated South


Foreign Minister Lidegaard said about 100 Danish citizens are fighting in the ranks of the Islamic State. A new Danish government report identified five Islamist groups in Denmark: Hizb ut-Tahrir, Kaldet til Islam, Dawah-centret, Dawah-bærere, and Muslimsk Ungdomscenter. The Danish Muslim Council issued a statement denouncing the Islamic State.


Police conducted nine counterterrorism raids in the Brisbane and Logan areas, including at the iQraa Islamic Centre, and arrested Agim Kruezi, 21, and Omar Succarieh, 31, who are suspected of recruiting and fundraising for the Al Nusrah Front in Syria. Succarieh is the older brother of Abu Asma al Australi, who is thought to be […]


The Afghan government claimed the US killed 11 civilians in an airstrike in Kunar. Security forces claimed to have killed 10 Taliban fighters in Kunduz; one security official was also killed. The Taliban killed five policemen in Laghman and another policeman in Kunar.