Search Results for: Pakistan


Three police were killed in a grenade attack in Kohat. Police in Dera Ismail Khan arrested a man transporting two suicide vests. Three government worker were kidnapped in Mohmand agency. The Chief Minister of the Northwest Frontier Province is urging the central government to negotiate with the Taliban.


Britain hopes talks with Taliban will produce results


Al Qaeda™s HQ in tribal areas, claims Europol


Maulana Abdul Aziz, the former leader of the Red Mosque, has been granted bail in four of the 12 charges issued. The Taliban threatened to destroy checkpoints in Mohmand agency if they are not removed in three days. The European Police Office said Pakistan’s tribal areas are the “command and control centre” for Al Qaeda™s […]


Baitullah Mehsud pulled out of peace talks after tribal leaders said the Army would not withdraw from South Waziristan. The government may release Abdullah Aziz, the former leader of Islamabad’s radical Red Mosque. The Taliban executed a “criminal” in Mohmand agency, where 12 Pakistanis were killed during battles between the Taliban and a tribe on […]


Pakistani Taliban chief pulls out of peace talks


Ahmadinejad Makes First Visit To Pakistan


President Musharraf said foreigners, especially Uzbeks and Afghans with links to al Qaeda are hiding in Pakistan™s tribal areas. The US said it would pursue Osama bin Laden in Pakistan if it has evidence of his location. The Pakistani Army has signed a peace deal with Baitullah Mehsud in South Waziristan. Three were killed in […]


The Movement for the Taliban in Pakistan, Baitullah Mehsud’s group, ordered the Mardan car bombing “in revenge.” Former Guantanamo Bay inmate Israrul Haq was rearrested while traveling to Mardan. Banned terror groups such as Jaish-e-Mohammad, Harkatul Mujahideen, and Hizbul Mujahideen are reforming in Karachi. Sufi Mohammed’s name has been removed from a murder case.


Three people were killed and more than 35 wounded in a car bombing in Mardan. The Taliban killed a “US spy” in North Waziristan. The Pakistani government and military have praised Baituallah Mehsud’s cease-fire order. The Afghan government said the peace agreement between Pakistan and the Taliban would fail.


US Cautiously Supports Peace Talks Between Pakistani Government, Taliban


Militant commander orders ceasefire in Pakistan


The Pakistani government is close to finalizing a deal with Baituallah Mahsud. Baitullah ordered the Taliban to halt attacks in Waziristan, Tank, Gomal, and Dera Ismail Khan. One soldier and 10 “miscreants” were killed after Pakistani and Afghan troops exchanged fire at a border crossing in Bajaur agency.


Pakistan™s New Government Launches Peace Initiative with Islamist Militants in Swat

Pakistan pushes peace with the Taliban

The Minister of Law for the Northwest Frontier Province said further peace deals with the Pakistani Taliban are in the works. Details emerge on the deal with the TNSM.


The TNSM agreed to renounce violence in exchange for the release of Sufi Mohammed. Prime Minister Gilani said the government would not be blackmailed or release jailed terrorist as preconditions to talks. The Taliban warned it would resume fighting if the government does not stop the military operations in the tribal areas. A court ordered […]


EU advises Pakistan against talks with al Qaeda


Why Britons walked warily in Waziristan


Pakistan orders release of pro-Taliban militant leader


The Taliban demanded the release of 12 terrorists, including Sufi Mohammed, Abdul Aziz, and three men behind the assassiantion of Benazir Bhutto in exchange for the ambassador to Afghanistan. The Awami National Party is in talks with the TNSM. The United Kinddom supports talks with the Taliban in Paksitan. The Taliban publicly executed three men […]


Pakistani Taliban executes three men


Pakistan envoy: I am Taliban hostage


Pakistan’s ambassador to Afghanistan, who went missing in February in the Khyber region, appeared on Arabic television saying he was being held by the Taliban and urged Islamabad to meet their demands. Islamist commander Maulana Faqir Mohammad offered shelter to Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omar if they ask for it. American drones reportedly resumed […]


Pakistani Army alters strategy, turns to negotiations


US drones resume Waziristan flights


The US will limit attacks in Pakistan and provide $7 billion for counterterrorism operations as part of its new strategy with the new government. The Pakistani Taliban agreed to implement sharia law in Mohmand agency at the end of its two-day conference. Two police and two children were wounded in shootings in Swat. Nine Taliban […]

Bara bin Malek Front commander killed in Pakistani shootout

Commander Ismail led a dangerous Taliban splinter group in Kunar province. He was behind the 2005 shootdown of a US Army Chinook that resulted in the deaths of 16 US Special Operations SEALs and airmen. The Long War Journal has an exclusive photo of Ismail.


GAO: Terrorists operating freely on Pakistan border