Search Results for: Pakistan


Abducted Pakistan envoy freed after Taliban released


Taliban behead soldier to avenge Bajaur strike


Pakistani politicians admit they are not concerned with ending attacks in Afghanistan that originate in Pakistan. Pakistani troops have begun to withdraw from South Wazirstan. Sufi Muhammad, the recently released leader of the TNSM, will push for sharia law throughout Pakistan.


Pakistan ‘protests’ at US strike


(Pakistan) – Police questioning three terror suspects claiming to be journalists


Pakistan Defies US on Curbing Attacks


US and Pakistani intelligence officials said the Bajaur attack was directed at a “high-value target   an Arab” planned attacks outside of Pakistan. Taliban leader Faqir Mohammad said the attack would not derail the peace negotiations. Numerous Pakistani political parties condemned the strike. The Taliban fired rockets at a military check post in Peshawar. A […]


A missile strike targeted a Taliban commander’s compound in Bajaur; more than 14 have been reported killed. The Army is swapping prisoners with Baitullah Mehsud. The government claimed a breakthrough in talks with the Taliban in Swat; 30 students of a madrassa were detained for “militancy.” The Taliban beheaded a “US spy” in Miramshah, North […]


Pakistan: Prisoner swap ahead of peace deal with militants


Jamaat-e-Islami Leader: US Is Eternal Enemy Of Islam And Pakistan


US paid bounty to Pakistan to arrest terror suspect


Fight continues in Darra Adam Khel as the Indus Highway remains closed due to Taliban attacks. A soldier was killed in a mortar and rocket attack on a check post in Bajaur. During peace talks in Sawt, the Taliban distributed pamphlets asking the government, military, and people of Pakistan to join hands with the Taliban […]


The PML-N has quit the government after its attempts to reinstate judges dismissed by President Musharraf failed. The provincial government of the Northwest Frontier Province has entered a cease-fire with Mullah Fazlullah’s Taliban in Swat. The Army deployed tanks in Darra Adam Khel after the Taliban closed the Indus Highway. The Taliban destroyed a electricity […]


Fifty tribesmen were arrested after the Taliban kidnapped 20 soldiers in Bajaur. Three terrorists with suicide jackets were arrested in Rawalpindi. An explosion damaged a mosque in Swat. Police defused a bomb planted near a police station in Peshawar.


12 injured in blast in SW Pakistan


Pakistan: Oil trader kidnapped by militants in Karachi


One policeman was killed and two more were injured in a roadside bombing in Swat. Pakistani authorities and the Taliban led by Maulana Fazlullah have declared a cease-fire in the volatile Swat Valley. The Taliban said they are holding six soldiers in Bajaur agency while the Pakistani Army claimed only one soldier is missing. The […]


Pakistan: US Urges Islamabad To Fight Terrorists As Fragile Peace Collapses


The government continues to push for talks with Baitullah Mehsud. Another girls’ school is torched in Swat. A tribal jirga is negotiating the release of seven Pakistani troops in Mohmand agency.


A tribal jirga made direct contact with Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud in North Waziristan. The Taliban torched a girls’ primary school in Swat. The UN is reviewing Benazir Bhutto’s murder case. The US declined to send $81 million in military aid requested by Pakistan.


A suicide bomber killed three and wounded 10 Pakistanis in Bannu. Two police were killed in Swat. The Taliban has taken control of police stations in Swat. Five suicide bombers associated with Baitullah Mehsud are reported to have entered Karachi. A bail hearing for Maulana Abdul Aziz, the former leader of Islamabad’s Red Mosque, has […]


An Army official was wounded after the Taliban resumed attacks in South Waziristan. The Taliban attacked a village in Kurram agency. Haji Namdar’s Taliban group in Khyber agency has established a virtue and vice squad to punish those who miss prayers and shave their beards. The residents of Mardan fear the Taliban will resume attacks […]


Taliban institutes two-month ‘beard deadline™


The information minister for the Northwest Frontier Province said talks with the Taliban are still underway. A Taliban leader in Khyber agency ordered Baitullah Mehsud’s fighters to leave the agency. The Taliban said the government should hold talks with Mullah Fazlullah, not Sufi Mohammed, to restore peace in Swat. The Taliban torched a girls’ school […]


Haji Namdar, a Taliban commander in Khyber agency, is teaching his followers not to fight the Pakistani government. Namdar does advocate jihad against US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. “Yes, we do attack the US forces across the border and that is what real jihad is all about,” he said. The Hakeemullah Group, a Taliban […]


The Taliban have retaken control of Darra Adam Khel after the Army withdrew from the region. The Taliban is taxing vehicles traveling on the Indus Highway. The Tehreek-e-Ittehad Qabail, a tribal organization in North Waziristan, extended its support to the Taliban. Swat’s Mullah Fazlullah said he is ready for talks with the government during a […]


Pakistan™s Planned Accord With Militants Alarms US


Pakistan’s Leaders Hold Last Ditch Talks to Break Deadlock Over Top Judges