Search Results for: Iran

US released Qais Qazali?

Qais and Laith Qazali. British hostage Peter Moore, who was kidnapped more than two years ago by the Asaib al Haq [League of the Reighteous], the dangerous Iranian-backed offshoot from the Mahdi Army, was released in Baghdad. According to the BBC, the US has in turn released Qais Qazali, the dangerous commander of the Asaib […]


Insurgents killed five Iraqis in bombings in Baghdad and an Awakening leader in Kirkuk, and wounded six policemen in Kirkuk. Security forces killed an insurgent and captured five more in Kirkuk, and detained 10 wanted men in Fallujah and an Iranian agent in Amarah.

Yemeni airstrike targets top al Qaeda leaders

The government is claiming that Nasir al Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, his deputy Said al Shihri, and radical US-Yemeni cleric Anwar al Awlaki may have been killed in an airstrike that killed more than 30 al Qaeda operatives. The reports are unconfirmed.


Iran has reportedly occupied two more oil wells at the Fakka oil field in Maysan. Insurgents killed seven Iraqis and four policemen in attacks in Baghdad and Mosul. Iraqi troops detained 30 suspected insurgents in Bayji, 15 wanted men in Basrah, five al Qaeda cell members in Mosul, three Hezbollah Brigades members in Baghdad, and […]

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden™s missing family found in secret compound in Iran


Iraqi troops reoccupied the Fakka oil field after a brief Iranian incursion. Iraq security forces detained 36 wanted men in Basrah and 10 more in Babil, a wanted al Qaeda operative in Mosul, a Special Groups leader in Al Kut, and a Mahdi Army cell leader in Diyala. Insurgents wounded four Iraqis in two bombings […]


Three Iranian soldiers who took control of an oil well in Maysan have abandoned the site. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Basrah, two al Qaeda IED cell members in Baghdad, and two Naqshabandiya fighters in Ninewa. The government has prohibited the families of members of the security forces to live in Syria.

US military aircraft video feeds compromised

This morning, The Wall Street Journal broke the deeply disturbing news that insurgent groups in Iraq and Afghanistan have the capability to monitor the video feeds from unmanned US observation and strike aircraft – the Predators and Reapers – using software that costs just $26. U.S. military personnel in Iraq discovered the problem late last […]

Five Muslim Americans detained in Pakistan were en route to Waziristan

The is plenty of interesting information available on the five Americans detained in Pakistan who were trying to link up with al Qaeda and allied terror groups within Pakistan. The radicalization process and recruitment via the Internet by “Saifullah,” a known jihadist, will certainly raise some eyebrows. Ultimately, it seems all roads to jihad pass […]


Six people, including an Iranian pilgrim, were killed and several others were wounded in a bombing on a bus near a Shia religious shrine in Damascus. No group has taken credit for the bombing.

Suicide bomber kills 3 Somali ministers

The ministers of health, education, and higher education, along with two reporters from Shabelle and Al Arabia were among 19 killed in a suicide attack at a graduation ceremony for medical students at a hotel in Mogadishu.


At least 11 people were killed in clashes between government forces and Hizbul Islam around the presidential palace in Mogadishu. Gunmen killed a police official in Puntland. A US private military company will work in Mogadishu, contracted by Somalia™s government. Two Ghadir class submarines will join the Iranian navy off the coast of Somalia.

Tehran’s orbit widens

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right, listens to Omani Foreign Minister Yousuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, left, during their meeting in Tehran, Iran, on July 11, 2009. An unidentified interpreter sits at center. AP Photo by Vahid Salemi. In geopolitics, as in astronomy, world powers have a certain gravitational pull. Some nations have less force, choosing […]


Iraq’s Sunni vice president has vetoed parts of the election reform law while Kurdish groups signaled they may boycott the 2010 election if they are not given more seats. Security forces detained 10 wanted men in Basrah, nine insurgents in Baghdad, Najaf, and Diyala and seven more in Fallujah, and two Iranians in Khanaqin. Al […]


Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, Hizbul Islam’s top leader, reportedly submitted conditions for his defection to the Somali government to the president of Libya. At least six people were killed after the forces of Sheik Ahmed Modobe, a warlord affiliated with Hizbul Islam, attacked Shabaab in Hagar village in southern Somalia. Ethiopian troops left their main […]


Insurgents executed 13 civilians in Abu Ghraib and killed nine more in bombings in Baghdad and Kirkuk. Two Iraqi soldiers were also killed in Baghdad. Security forces detained 14 wanted men in Basrah, six insurgents in Diyala and Salahadin, and four Special Groups operatives in Al Kut. Iraqi border guards seized large quantities of Iranian […]


After two days of heavy fighting, the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) said they had captured seven Ethiopian towns along the border with Somalia. “A significant number of Ethiopian troops have been killed and their military hardware captured or destroyed”, the group said. An Iranian senior naval commander announced that the navy has decided to […]

Al Qaeda opens new training camp in Yemen

More than 400 fighters from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Somalia are housed in the Abyan camp, one of several operating in the country with the knowledge of the government.

United Kingdom

Muslims must quit British Forces, says Iranian envoy Abdolhossein Moezi


The French navy captured 12 suspected pirates off the coasts of Somalia. Rwandan police are holding four Somalis for illegally entering the country. One of those arrested was carrying a forged South African passport. Hizbul Islam appointed a new Islamic administration in the Hiran region.

Khamenei sanctions new intelligence agency

According to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a Paris-based group comprised of Iranian exiles (and some insiders in Iran), Tehran’s Grand Ayatollah, Ali Khamenei, has sanctioned the creation of a new intelligence organization charged with shielding the regime from domestic uprisings. Hassan Taeb, previously a lead commander of the Basij militia, is […]

United States

The FBI moved to seize four mosques and a Fifth Avenue skyscraper in New York City that are owned by the Alavi Foundation, which is a front for the Iranian government. The total assets are worth more than $500 million. Fort Hood shooter Major Hasan may have wired money to Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia

Iran issues tacit warning to Saudi Arabia over attacks on rebels

Iraq: The raveling*

Here is some very good news: Iraq’s parliament has approved a long-delayed law governing national elections scheduled to be held next January, officials have said. Members of parliament passed the law with 141 votes in favour in the 275-seat parliament after overcoming disagreements over the disputed city of Kirkuk. Sunday’s vote came after delays the […]


Security forces killed 24 Taliban fighters in South Waziristan, eight in Swat, and two in Mansehra. The Taliban killed a Frontier Corps troop in Hangu. Police arrested two suspected terrorists in connection with the Headley and Rana plot in the US. Iran claimed Pakistan released the leader of Jundallah days before the suicide attack in […]

War by proxy: Tehran caught arming terrorists (again)

Iranian-supplied weapons seized on the Karine A. The recent seizure by Israeli commandos of a large weapons cache on board a container ship bound for Syria reveals yet another instance of Tehran’s rash disregard for international law. According to UN Security Council Resolution 1747, it is illegal for the international community to export or engage […]


Pakistan arrests three suspects in Iranian bombing