Search Results for: Pakistan


Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif stepped up the pressure on President Pervez Musharraf, branding him a “traitor” and claiming that the ruling coalition had agreed to oust the former army strongman. Six Taliban insurgents were killed when their vehicle packed with explosives blew up in the Bajaur region. Residents claimed seeing a drone aircraft in […]


In pictures: Pakistan’s most feared militant


The government is close to completing a peace deal with the Taliban in Mohmand agency. Baitullah Mehsud said the Taliban is gearing up for the media war and will soon have their own YouTube channel. In Hangu the Taliban distributed pamphlets that ordered locals to turn over criminals and practice business in line with sharia […]


Osama Bin Laden is not in Pakistan he is dead says Taliban leader


Taliban commander and suicide camp trainer Qari Hussain survived a military operation in South Waziristan. US Predator UAVs and aircraft are reported to be circling in North Waziristan. The Taliban said it would sue President Pervez Musharrraf once the peace accord in South Waziristan is signed. The government and the Taliban in Swat met to […]


Intelligence officials say Abu Sulayman Jazairi, a senior Algerian operative for al Qaeda™s central organization, was killed in the May 14 airstrike in Damadola, Bajaur. Baitullah Mehsud said attacks would continue in Afghanistan despite any peace deals with the Pakistani government. The Taliban killed a “US spy” in North Waziristan. A police officer and his […]


A peace deal with the government and the Taliban in South Waziristan is in its final phase, Taliban spokesman Maulvi Umar said. Baituallh Mehsud denied being behind the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the kidnapping of the ambassador to Afghanistan. Afghanistan believes Mullah Mansoor Dadullah was among those exchanged for Pakistan’s ambassador to Afghanistan. The […]


Pentagon says growth of al Qaeda safe havens ‘troubling’


Top Al Qaeda leaders were inside Pakistan: Top US commander


The Taliban said they should control the border with Afghanistan to prevent US attacks. The UN will monitor the Swat peace agreement. The Taliban said peace depends on the enforcement of sharia law. A journalist was gunned down after conducting an interview with Taliban spokesman Maulvi Omar in Bajaur. The government may shut down the […]


Why Pakistan Plays ‘Lets Make a Deal’


The government negotiated a peace deal with Mullah Fazlullah and the Taliban in Swat. The Taliban attacked police stations in Swat, killing one policeman. Security forces and the Taliban clashed in Mohmand. The central government said the Army would remain in the tribal agencies.


US urges Pakistan to nab Taliban chief, in test of anti-terror zeal


A peace deal with Baitullah Mehsud may be finalized on May 21. The government insists the Army will remain in South Waziristan and Swat. Six soldiers and four civilians were wounded in an IED attack in Kohat. A solider was killed in an attack in Swat.


Al Qaeda training children as suicide bombers


Islamic Cleric: President Musharraf Has Turned Pakistan Into A US Colony


Pakistan freed a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner and an Afghan Taliban commander in exchange for its ambassador to Afghanistan. Qari Hussain, a Taliban leader and bomb maker, may have been killed in South Waziristan. The military found a Taliban suicide camp that recruited boys in South Waziristan. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the Mardan suicide […]


Pakistani militants savor a sweet deal


NATO beefs up forces along Afghan-Pakistan border


Pakistan swaps Taliban for envoy


Pakistan Military: We’ve Sanitized Border


A Taliban suicide bomber killed 13 Pakistanis, including four policemen, and wounded 22 in a blast at a bakery in Mardan. A Pakistani general said al Qaeda is not plotting attacks from the tribal areas as he showed suicide training camps run by Baituallh Mehsud. The Taliban occupied the home of a minister of parliament […]


India to resume Pakistan peace talks


The Taliban freed the Pakistani ambassador to Afghanistan after three months of captivity. The Army is withdrawing from strategic positions in South Waziristan. The Taliban and the military are exchanging prisoners. The Taliban beheaded a soldier in Bajaur.