Search Results for: Iran

Transcript of Adam Gadahn’s ‘A Call to Arms’

Adam Gadahn, al Qaeda’s American spokesman, from “A Call to Arms,” a videotape released in March 2010. Below is the full transcript of Adam Gadahn’s latest tape, ” A Call to Arms.” Gadahn, al Qaeda’s American-born spokesman, is thought to have been captured in Karachi on March 7, but there is much controversy over the […]


High turnout was recorded during the first day of out-of-country voting. Four Iranians were killed in a bombing in Najaf. Iraqi forces detained 10 al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in central and northern Iraq, eight in Diyala, and four more in Ramadi, an al Qaeda mufti in Khalis, and six wanted men in Basrah.

Al Qaeda

Iran’s Ahmadinejad calls Sept 11 “big fabrication”

Jundallah appoints new leader

In the wake of the capture of Jundallah leader Abdul Malik Rigi earlier this week, the terror group has appointed a new leader. From Alarab Online: Muhammad Dhahir Baluch has been appointed as “the new leader of the group,” Jundallah, the People’s Resistance Movement in Iran, said in a statement posted on its website, SITE […]


Insurgents killed a policeman and a woman in Mosul. Security forces detained an al Qaeda cell leader and five accomplices in Baghdad and Abu Ghraib, three Mahdi Army fighters north of Baghdad, and three wanted men near Al Kut. The Iraqi Army foiled an attempt to blow up a bridge that connects Al Kut to […]


Pakistan helped Iran nab Jundallah chief


Iranian official says Hezbollah does not receive orders from Tehran


The Sunni National Dialogue Front will boycott the election. Iranian forces crossed the border in northern Diyala. Iraq security forces detained an al Qaeda cell leader responsible for planning female suicide bombings. Also arrested were three IED cell members in Mosul and three terrorists involved in a suicide attack in Ramadi.

IAEA issues update on suspected Syrian nuclear site

Satellite imagery showing a suspected nuclear facility in Syria before and after being destroyed by an Israeli airstrike. Image from Deutsche Welle. In the midnight hours of Sept. 5, 2007, 10 Israeli F-15 fighter jets departed from Ramat David Air Force Base in southeast Haifa with a mission to destroy a mysterious military complex in […]


General says 2 Iraq politicians have ties to Iran


US Forces Iraq commander General Odierno said two top members of the are Justice and Accountability Committee “clearly are influenced by Iran.” Security forces detained five wanted men in Baghdad and four more in Basrah. Insurgents killed a Christian student in Mosul and kidnapped a journalist and a civil servant in Kirkuk.

War of words: Ahmadinejad, Netanyahu, Clinton

In another bout of saber rattling, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that Israel is planning on starting a war as early as this spring, according to a secret source secured by Tehran. “According to information we have they [Israel] are seeking to start a war next spring or summer, although their decision is not final […]

February 11, 1979: The day the Shah fell

On the eve of the 31st anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, it’s important to take a step back and get some historical context. The following is a BBC news report from Feb. 11, 1979: Victory for Khomeini as Army Steps Aside Supporters of the Ayatollah Khomeini appear to be in control of the Iranian capital, […]

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda threat to US greater than Iran: Clinton


The League of the Righteous kidnapped a US civilian contractor in Baghdad and called off reconciliation talks with the government. Six insurgents and a security guard were killed during a clash in Mosul. Police detained 55 suspects in the Karbala attacks, four insurgents in Mosul, and two terrorists in Basrah.

North Waziristan Taliban threaten Pakistani government

Daily Times has the best description of the North Waziristan Taliban’s warning to the Pakistani government not to launch a military operation in the tribal area: A shura of Taliban in North Waziristan Agency on Sunday said it can withstand government action but would not tolerate a military operation in the agency. In a pamphlet […]


Seized North Korea arms were bound for Iran: Thailand

Al Qaeda

Blair warns that world faces decision to halt Iran™s nuclear programme


Insurgents killed an Iranian and two Iraqis, including a mayor, in attacks in Baghdad and Mosul. A suicide bomber wounded five civilians near Mosul. Security forces detained four terrorists in Kirkuk, four wanted men in Basrah, three insurgents in Mosul, and two Baathists in Karbala.


Shadowy arms deal traced to Kazakhstan

Tehran tests the Monroe Doctrine

Jamsheed and Carol Choksy of Indiana University wrote an insightful piece in RealClear Politics this morning addressing Tehran’s investment in leftist governments in South America. Their conclusion reinforces the belief that Iran is projecting a preponderance of power globally to put US and other Western allies in a bind. The Latin American angle is especially […]

Al Qaeda

‘Iran ordered attack on Israeli convoy’


Iran has appointed a Qods Force commander as Ambassador to Iraq. Insurgents killed five civilian aid worked in Baghdad. Security forces killed an insurgent near Kirkuk and detained six wanted men in Basrah.


Security forces detained six wanted men in Basrah, three al Qaeda operatives in Mosul, two suicide bombers in Anbar, and a Promised Day Brigade cell leader and three cell members in Baghdad. Insurgents killed two civilians in Mosul and another in Baghdad. A local official in Maysan said the Iranians still control Well Number 4 […]


Iraqi security forces detained seven al Qaeda operatives in northern Iraq and a female suicide-bomber recruiter in Baghdad, an “Iranian-linked assassination cell leader” and an associate in Baghdad, a Promised Day Brigade explosives-cell member in Baghdad, and two Special Groups operatives in Al Kut. Iraq has integrated more than 40,000 Sons of Iraq members into […]

Did the release of Qais Qazali violate an executive order?

Did the Obama administration, by releasing Qais and Laith Qazali and more than 100 members of the Iranian-backed Asaib al Haq, violate an executive order put in place by President Ronald Reagan to prevent negotiations with hostage takers? Senators Jeff Sessions and Jon Kyl asked that very question to the Obama administration in a letter […]