Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistan to ask EU to amend laws on freedom of expression


Taliban Defends Peace Accord with Pakistani Government


The Taliban warned the government to abide by the terms of the peace agreements or it will carry out attacks. The leader of the Taliban in Mohmand said the government is not serious about peace talks. Peshawar is turning into a “walled city” due to security measures.


The North Waziristan peace agreement allows al Qaeda to shelter in the tribal agency. Five paramilitaries soldiers were kidnapped in Darra Adam Khel. The government freed seven Taliban prisoner in Swat. US Predators were reported to be flying in North Waziristan.


Pakistan: New wave of violence a bid to undermine president


UN officially asked to probe Bhutto death


The government has released 64 Taliban leaders and fighters detained during operations in Swat. An IED attack killed four Pakistanis, including two policemen, in Dera Ismail Khan. The Taliban bombed a girls’ school in Dir Bala.


The military will withdraw from the Mehsud tribal areas in South Waziristan if the Taliban releases captive soldiers. The government claimed it is negotiating with the tribes, not the Taliban or al Qaeda. Three cars packed with explosives were found in Rawalpindi; four suspects were arrested. The Taliban tortured and killed a paramilitary soldier in […]


Danes working with Pakistanis investigating blast


Pakistan Suspends Talks With Tribes on Afghanistan Border


Pakistan has suffered more that 250 bombing attacks this year; more than 200 people were killed and 700 wounded in the 27 mass-casualty attacks. The Taliban bombed CD shops in North Waziristan and Kohat; three were killed in the Kohat bombings. The government freed 75 Taliban prisoners from Malakand. Peshawar’s police chief said the Taliban […]


Pakistan: ‘Musharraf reconciled to exit™


Pakistan: Bomb attack kills three in border region


Al Qaeda linked to Danish embassy attack


Pakistani officials said the bombing at the Danish embassy may have been carried out by the Taliban and “was part of widespread outrage throughout the Islamic world against publishing blasphemous caricatures” of the Prophet Mohammed. Seven civilians were killed in a landmine explosion in Kurran agency. Security was increased in Peshawar after extremists sent threatening […]


A car bomb outside the Danish embassy in Islamabad killed eight and wounded more than 30 Pakistanis. Norway and Sweden have closed their embassies. The Taliban reported a missile strike on a home in North Waziristan; no one was killed. Haji Khanan, a close lieutenant of Mullah Nazir, was killed in Dera Ismail Khan. A […]


Taliban Leader Flaunts Power Inside Pakistan


Is bin Laden really hiding among this pagan people?


President Musharraf is given ultimatum to quit


Faqir Mohammed met with members of Jaish-e-Mohammad in Swat. Three Taliban were killed when their truck packed with explosives detonated in Mohmand. The Taliban bombed a paramilitary checkpoint in North Waziristan. A committee has been formed to assess the amount of money the government will pay Baitullah Mehsud for damages done during military operations.


Al Qaeda chief Abu Suleiman al-Jazairi confirmed killed in missile air strike


The government has initiated negotiations with the local Taliban in Mardan. A bombing in a bazaar in Malakand heavily damaged three CD shops. Sources within the Pakistani Army weighed in on the political debate on impeachment and said Musharraf is considered their supreme commander, as well as the legal and constitutional president of the country.


Pakistan™s uneasy, unpromising alliances


Khyber Tribal Agency: A New Hub of Islamist Militancy in Pakistan


US questions Pakistan force’s allegiance, funding


Baitullah Mehsud spends nearly $45 million a year on weapons, equipment, and payments to fighters. NATO is urging the Pakistani government to conduct operations against the Taliban in the tribal areas. Twenty-five mortars were launched from Afghanistan into South Wazristan. Pakistani NGOs said the peace accord in Swat have harmed the citizens in the region.


The government is conducting talks with the Taliban in Darra Adam Khel. Eight Taliban were killed after their explosives-laden truck detonated in Bajaur. Police detained a suspect in the November 2007 bombing attack on an Air Force bus in Sargodha. Security forces are establishing checkpoints outside Peshawar to address the deteriorating security situation. Jamaat-ud- Dawa […]


Top NATO general hope Pakistan would resume operation in FATA