Search Results for: Iran


Kuwait – Media banned from reporting on alleged Iran spy ring

United States

US – How to modernize Miranda for the Age of Terror

Al Qaeda

Usama Bin Laden is living comfortably in Iran, documentary asserts


Clashes in Somalia’s capital of Mogadishu left 3 people dead. Hizbul Islam leader Hassan Dahir Aweys denounced recent attacks in mosques in Mogadishu and Kismayo. Hizbul Islam thwarted a plot to overthrow its governor of Hiran.


Security forces detained an undisclosed number of Kuwaitis and foreigners for spying for Iran. The detainees have gathered information on US and Kuwaiti military installations in Kuwait for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Al Qaeda

How Iran and al-Qaeda made a deal

Life as an AQI footsoldier

The Institute for War and Peace Reporting has published some interesting testimony from an ostensibly reformed nationalist footsoldier for Al Qaeda in Iraq. While it’s quite possible that this man is putting his best spin on things to distance himself from his unpopular former employer, much of it echoes my research for a project documenting […]

67 killed in bombings in Baghdad and Anbar

The office of Iranian-backed anti-US cleric Muqtada al Sadr was the main target in Baghdad, while the homes of a judge and police officers were bombed outside of Ramadi. Iraqi forces detained al Qaeda’s military commander in Anbar.

United States

US notes growing foreign role in Iran’s energy sector

United States

Gates says US is prepared on Iran’s nuclear plan


The Taliban killed two policemen in an IED attack in Khost. The UN confirmed that five Afghan workers were abducted in Baghlan. Security forces detained two Taliban commanders and an undisclosed number of fighter sin Helmand, Kandahar, and Ghazni. General McChrystal said there are signs the Taliban receive training in Iran.

Taliban lies update: US troops as drug runners

Some great whoppers to share from one of the latest statements by the Taliban (pro-Taliban web page link here, non-terrorist site here). This time, an alleged Taliban commander in Kandahar calling himself “Tahir Afghan” is supposedly speaking to, a pro-Taliban web page carrying Taliban and other jihadi/terrorist statements. ‘US troops as drug runners’ (while […]

Father of Taliban endorses LWJ

The Long War Journal has received a compliment from one of the most unlikely sources. General (Retired) Mirza Aslam Beg, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff from 1988-1991, said that the depiction of the Taliban provided by The Long War Journal is spot on. Here is what General Beg had to say in his column, which […]


Forty-one Iraqis were killed and more than 250 were wounded in a triple suicide attack that targeted the Egyptian, Iranian, and German embassies in Baghdad. No foreign embassy personnel were reported killed. Three Iraqis were killed and 37 were wounded in a car bomb attack in Mosul.


A suicide bomber killed 13 Afghans at a market in Lashkar Gah in Helmand. Police killed two Taliban fighters and captured two more in Herat. Afghan and Coalition forces detained a Haqqani Network commander and a fighter in Khost and Paktika. Admiral Mullen said he was “advised last night about a significant shipment of weapons […]


A US strike in North Waziristan killed six Haqqani Network fighters. Pakistani strikes in Arakzai killed 36 Taliban fighters. The Taliban torched two schools in Dir. Iranian agents freed a diplomat kidnapped in Peshawar in 2008. The UN delayed the release of the report on the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.


Prime Minister Maliki will challenge the election result; Iyad Allwai accused Iran of interfering with the result after the Justice and Accountability Commission moved to bar more Baathist candidates. Insurgents killed two civilians in Mosul. Security forces detained four insurgents in Jalawlaa and an al Qaeda leader in Mosul.

Iraqi terror group frees US hostage

Salomi-thumb.jpgThe Iranian-backed League of the Righteous has released Issa Salomi, a US civilian contractor, who was captured in Baghdad in late January. The terror group claimed Salomi was freed as part of a prisoner swap with the US military.


Iran has been training teams of Taliban fighters in small unit tactics. A suicide bomber killed 10 civilians as they celebrated the new year in Helmand. Two more civilians were killed in a Taliban bombing in Khost. Coalition and Afghan forces killed two Taliban fighters in Zabul and captured a senior IED facilitator in Helmand


The Taliban killed an Afghan soldier in Paktika. ISAF troops accidentally killed a civilian in Herat. Afghan and Coalition forces detained two Taliban fighters in Helmand. Afghan border police seized Iranian-made weapons in Herat.

Rafsanjani moves to the dark side

Geneive Abdo reports in Foreign Policy that Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani’s fence-sitting days are over; he is officially an ally of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: In exchange for Rafsanjani’s loyalty, the supreme leader appears to have given him power over a new bill that will establish a National Elections Commission to reform the electoral process. Not only […]

Al Qaeda operative killed in Pakistan linked to Zarqawi

While news reports have focused on the death of senior al Qaeda operative Sadam Hussein Al Hussami, who is also known as Ghazwan al Yemeni, at the hands of the US in the March 10 airstrike in North Waziristan, one of the three other al Qaeda operatives killed in the same attack was also a […]

Key al Qaeda operative killed in US strike in North Waziristan

Sadam Hussein Al Hussami, who is also known as Ghazwan al Yemeni, was a top operative in al Qaeda’s external operations network. He aided in the suicide attack on Combat Outpost Chapman, which killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian intelligence officer.

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden’s son, Khalid, called for Iran to free members of his family. “They requested a number of times to leave Iran, only to be beaten and silenced,” he said in a message released by the Global Islamic Media Front, a propaganda arm of al Qaeda that is thought to be based in Germany.