Search Results for: Iran


A faction of the Hizbul Islam based in the town of Beledweyne has merged with Shabaab. “We are hereby declaring our resolve to unite with our fellow jihadists (holy warriors) in this strategic Hiran region,” Sheikh Abdulkadir Haji Ahmed told a crowd.


Germany – Firms fear new Iran sanctions will curb business

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites


Germany probes Russian shipments to Iran


Putin says freezing missile sale to Iran — France


A resilient Iran shields itself from pressure by building alliances

Tehran’s maritime shell corporations

The IRSIL Mufateh. The New York Times ran a front page story yesterday about the effectiveness of the Revolutionary Guard’s shell corporations created for the state-owned Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRSIL). The article explains that 73 of the 123 known IRSIL vessels are owned and operated by foreign companies not listed the on […]

United Nations

UN ‘to adopt’ fourth round of Iran nuclear sanctions

United States

Pakistan – Iran to approve “peace pipeline”


France: Iran nuclear programme source of ‘concern™


An Iraqi girl was killed after Iranian forces shelled Kurdish areas in the north. Iraqi Special Operations Forces detained two al Qaeda operatives in Al Qaim. The US military reiterated it is on track to reduce the number of troops in country to 50,000 by the end of August.


An airstrike killed the deputy governor of Marib province, five of his bodyguards, and two al Qaeda operatives. Two American tourists kidnapped by a tribe have been freed. A Yemeni court upheld the sentence of death for two Iranian “spies.”

Pentagon ups intel capabilities in the Middle East

The New York Times ran a front page story yesterday with some details of a seven-page directive signed in September 2009 by Central Command’s General David Petraeus sending more clandestine military forces throughout the Middle East. Because the order is classified, only portions were discussed in the Times article. Petraeus’ order expands on similar moves […]


Twenty-six civilians were killed in heavy fighting in Mogadishu. Hizbul Islam ordered aid organizations to shutter operations in Hiran. A German security company will support a Somali warlord.


A suicide bomber killed 23 in an attack in Khalis. Iraq freed two Iranians held for years by the US. Security forces detained 12 wanted men in Basrah and two insurgents in Kirkuk.

Wonks gone wild: Obama’s nuclear diplomacy

As the week comes to a close, it’s time to review some of what leading journalists, pundits, and policy wonks — from the left, right, and murky center — are saying about new UN sanctions on Iran and the Turkey fuel-swap deal: Leslie Gelb in the Daily Beast: The United States will not be able […]


Italian group: Add Iranian Guard to EU™s terror list

IRGC cell broken up in Kuwait

Tony Badran from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies reports in NOW Lebanon that Kuwaiti and Saudi officials have unearthed a group of Iranian agents allegedly tied to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and living on Kuwaiti soil. In light of this recent security breach, the Kuwaiti government is prepared to move forward […]


Two Iraqi soldiers were killed while defusing an IED in Baghdad. Security forces detained 18 wanted men in Basrah, four al Qaeda operatives south of Baghdad, and a suspected Iranian operative in Khanaqin.


A pair of US airstrikes in North Waziristan killed 21 Taliban fighters. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Arakzai and a suspect in the murder of an Iranian consular official in Peshawar. The US is considering designating the Pakistani Taliban as a terrorist entity.

United States

Attorney General backs Miranda limit for terror suspects