Search Results for: TTP


French Lower House Approves Bill to Crack down on Jihadists


The Islamic State is gaining ground in Aleppo province, where it has now captured 21 Kurdish villages in the north near the Turkish border, in an offensive that began in early July. Kurdish YPG forces defending the area claimed at the time that the IS had used chemical weapons against them. Regime airstrikes targeted IS-held […]


The military claimed it killed 23 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in North Waziristan. The Interior Ministry warned the government of Sindh province that jihadists may target officials and buildings in suicide attacks. Police seized more than 500 pounds of explosives in Quetta.


US Targets IS Training Camp in Iraq for First Time


Egypt targets Brotherhood’s Al-Azhar bastion


Interior Minister Machnouk said Lebanon will combat terrorism without coordinating with the international coalition. The mayor of Arsal dismissed rumors that residents are providing fuel to terrorists. Relatives of the over 20 kidnapped Lebanese troops urged the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State to stop making death threats against their sons. Security forces are […]

Islamic State

Kurds issue call to arms as Islamic State gains in Syria

Islamic State

For Britain, Fighting ISIS Might Add to Risk at Home


Who’s who in coalition to defeat Islamic State


Zintanis blockaded by Islamist Libya Dawn forces battled militias near Gharian. Tebus in Obari repelled advances by a non-local Tuareg militia, said to be the same one that was asked by Libya Dawn to take over Sharara oilfield last month. Salah Benali, a leader of the Derna militia Shoura Council of Islamic Youth, was killed […]


The Air Force has stepped up security along the Libyan border in anticipation of terrorist attacks. A previously unknown group, Djound Al-Khilafa en Algerie (Soldiers of the Caliphate in Algeria) pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on Sept. 13; the group is said to have emerged from AQIM cells in central Algeria and to be […]


President Hollande said France would provide air supportfor Iraqi army efforts against the Islamic State in Iraq, but would not participate in strikes on the IS in Syria and in any case would not be providing ground troops for the effort against the group. He indicated that French airstrikes against IS targets in Iraq would […]

United Kingdom

The Islamic State released a video showing British hostage John Cantlie, a journalist seized in Syria in November 2012, promising to show “the truth” about the IS in future videos. UK Muslim groups and leaders called for the IS to release British aid worker Alan Henning, whom IS recently threatened to murder.


US military contractors ‘hit by Chinese hackers’


Over 800 police conducted raids across Sydney, with 25 search warrants, looking for suspects linked to an Islamic State beheading plot. At least three raids were also conducted in Brisbane. Fifteen people have been detained in Sydney, including Omarjan Azari, 22, and are thought to have been tasked by Australian IS operative Mohammad Ali Baryalei […]


The military claimed it killed 11 Taliban fighters in North Waziristan and another 23 in Khyber; three soldiers were also killed. Police killed seven “militants” in Karachi. Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) claimed that Pakistani Navy officers were involved in the failed attempt to hijack a Pakistani warship and launch missiles at US […]


Clashes erupt in Bangladesh after top Islamist is spared death sentence


The US launched seven airstrikes against the Islamic State near Irbil, the Haditha Dam, and southwestern Baghdad. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 16 Islamic State fighters in northern Babil and a military commander and four aides near Mosul. The military also said it has launched clearing operations in Rawa and Anah. Prime Minister Abadi […]

United States

A divided House of Representatives voted to authorize the training and arming of Syrian rebels. President Obama said the US will degrade and ultimately destroy the Islamic State by means of airstrikes against IS targets in Iraq and Syria, training and equipping “partners,” including Iraqi troops, and by leading a broad coalition against the group; […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Council of Senior Scholars warn against “heinous” terrorism


Security forces arrested nine imams and six other people in the second major operation in two months aimed at preventing Kosovans from traveling to Iraq and Syria for jihad. Most of the imams who were detained are said to be affiliated with the Islamic Community of Kosovo, and include a cleric from Pristina’s Grand Mosque.


The Army claimed to have repelled another Boko Haram attack on Konduga in Borno state and killed several insurgents; three vehicles and an armored personnel carrier were captured, as well as weapons. A bomb went off and gunfire was heard at a teacher training college in Kano city; multiple casualties are feared. Gunmen described as […]


Security forces arrested five or six people in Lyon who are suspected of recruiting fighters for extremist groups in Syria and Iraq. Two of the suspects are minors, and one of the suspects is female and the sister of another suspect. The suspects allegedly focused on recruiting females for jihad. Another suspect is connected to […]

United Kingdom

The government is said to be giving serious consideration to joining the military airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq. As part of an ongoing investigation, counterterrorism police raided a house in Cardiff and seized materials from it.


US Army Chief Says Ground Troops Will Be Needed Against ISIS