Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistani Taliban chief halts peace talks

Pakistan strikes at Taliban in Khyber agency

Government launches an offensive to clear Taliban from the vital link to Afghanistan and the gateway to Peshawar. The Army is on the sidelines for the moment. Baitullah Mehsud suspends peace talks.


Taliban Imperil Pakistani City, a Major Hub


Islamabad blinks at Taliban threat


Washington endorses FATA strategy: Boucher due next week


The Taliban killed seven civilians, burned 11 girls’ schools, and torched a ski resort in Swat. The Bajaur Taliban slit the throats of two “US spies” during a public execution. President Musharraf said the government must use an iron fist to weed out extremists. The Army said it would only strike with government approval. The […]


Taliban slit throats of ‘US spies™ in Pakistan


Pakistan Denies Role in Attack


Taleban ‘siege’ of Peshawar threatens Pakistan’s grip


US hopes for Pakistani crackdown on militants


Militants torch Pakistani ski resort hotel: police


Another Lal Masjid in the Making?


Pakistan: Al-Qaeda-led Destabilization


Emboldened militants set sights on Peshawar


Baitullah Mehsud’s Taliban forces killed 22 pro-government tribal leaders in South Waziristan. Prime Minister Gilani approved a military operation to clear the tribal areas of the Taliban while continuing to push peace negotiations. Talks with the Taliban in Swat will continue on June 27. The Taliban seized a girls’ school in Bajaur. European converts to […]


Baitullah Mehsud’s forces overran Jandola after killing seven pro-government tribesmen. The Taliban kidnapped 17 government paramilitaries after storming checkpoints in Khyber. The government of the Northwest Frontier Province will honor the peace agreement with the Swat Taliban; sharia law will be implemented and charges against 600 Taliban fighters will be dropped.


More than 10 were killed in the second day of fighting between Lashkar-e-Islam and the Ansar-ul-Islam in Khyber agency. Sixteen Christians kidnapped yesterday in Khyber have been freed. One person was killed and two wounded in a bombing outside a CD shop in Malakand. The Taliban bombed a music shop in Kohat and a cinema […]


Twenty-nine were killed in clashes between the Lashkar-e-Islam and Ansar-ul-Islam in Kurram. Twenty-five Christians were kidnapped in Peshawar. Police in Charsadda arrested 15 journalists for reporting on the Taliban. The Pakistani government wants to fight the war against terrorism, but not inside Pakistan, said the Prime Minister’s adviser.


A prophetic voice on Taliban calls out again


Fifty-eight percent of Pakistanis support negotiations with the Taliban; 50 percent support negotiations with al Qaeda. The Northwest Frontier Province government is fighting to save the Swat peace accord but said it would not allow the Taliban to take over Peshawar. The Taliban warned truck drivers to stop transporting supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan.


Poll finds Pakistanis favour talks with militants


NWFP allowed to strike deal with Taliban


Nineteen civilians and six Taliban were killed after the Taliban ambushed and looted a convoy in Kurram. Four Pakistani soldiers were killed by Kashmiri terrorists as they crossed the Line of Control. The Swat Taliban said it would suspend the peace agreement if its prisoners were not released. Peshawar business leaders said they are concerned […]


The Interior Secretary for the Northwest Frontier Province said the Taliban is moving on Peshawar. Four US Army helicopter engines went missing as they were being transported through Pakistan. The US is sending four F-16 fighters to Paksitan. An Air Force squadron leader has been kidnapped.


‘Pakistan shared files of wanted Qaeda suspects™


Pakistani Fury Over Airstrikes Imperils Training