Search Results for: Iran


Insurgents killed four Iranians and two policemen during attacks in Miqdadiyah and Mosul, and a US soldier in Diyala. Security forces detained 29 wanted men in Diyala, Basrah, and Wasit; and an al Qaeda operative in Baghdad.


Azerbaijan may have released two Lebanese men convicted of plotting to blow up the Israeli embassy in Baku. The two Lebanese men and 12 other Iranians are thought to have been exchanged for two Azeri diplomats and a nuclear scientist.


Security forces detained two al Qaeda operatives near Habaniyah. Iran has continued shelling against Kurdish rebels in the Iraqi north. The commander of Iraq’s ground forces said Iraqi troops are ready to fill the gap left by withdrawing US forces.

United States

US names officials, companies in bid to raise pressure on Iran

Al Qaeda

Pakistan in peril of succumbing to Iran-style Islamic revolution: Study


India, Iran distrustful of renewed Afghan-Pakistan ties


Lebanon: Ayatollah Fadlallah’s death and the expansion of Iranian hegemony


A suicide bomber killed five Iranians and two Iraqis in an attack at a rest area in Qsaireen in Diyala province. Three Iraqis were killed in a car bombing in the Qaratapa district in northeastern Diyala. Prime Minister Maliki will meet with Iraqiya leader Allawi to discuss the formation of a new government.

Iran™s president renews pressure on conservatives

United States

US – Appeals court sides with Iranian dissident group


Afghan and Coalition forces killed a Taliban commander in Farah who ran a training camp and facilitated the entry of foreign fighters into the country from Iran; several fighters were also killed in the raid. Combined forces also killed a Taliban fighter and detained a Taliban commander and several fighters in raids in Helmand, Kunduz, […]


Burundi said it would remain in Somalia despite Shabaab’s threats to carry out attacks int he country. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam clashed in Hiran just three days after their leaders met to discuss joining ranks. Hizbul Islam detained 10 people in Elasha.

Germany agrees to accept two Gitmo detainees

Ohmed-Ahmed-Mahamoud-Al-Shurfa.jpgLast week, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said that his country has agreed to accept two Gitmo detainees. One of the two was recruited by Hamas, trained in an al Qaeda camp, and allegedly wanted to conduct a suicide operation. The other allegedly traveled to Afghanistan to wage jihad after the September 11 attacks.


The government claimed it killed two “foreign trainers” for Shabaab in Hiran; their nationalities were not disclosed. One person was killed in a blast at a Hizbul Islam headquarters near Mogadishu. Shabaab is compelling civilians to fight against the government and African Union forces in Mogadishu.


The spiritual leader of Shabaab threatened to retaliate against Uganda and Burundi for providing troops to back the transitional government. Shabaab and Hizbul Islam are said to be reinforcing their positions in a district in Mogadishu after clashes between the two groups. Somali and Ethiopian troops are said to be preparing to take control of […]


A female suicide bomber killed four people in an attack at the entrance to the provincial government building in Ramadi. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Basrah. Security has been increased at the Fakka oil field along the border with Iran.

Mottaki cheers US, English, and French losses in World Cup

Who ever said that politics has no place in the World Cup? After the dramatic US loss to Ghana in the World Cup last weekend, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said the following to Tehran Emrouz newspaper: In this World Cup you see a meaningful correlation between politics and diplomacy and football…. Those who played […]


Pakistan and Iran ‘backing Afghan attacks on British troops’


Insurgents killed two civilians and a soldier in Mosul and Baghdad. Security forces detained four Naqshabandiya fighters in Diyala, three wanted men in Kirkuk, an al Qaeda IED cell member in Baghdad, and an Iranian in Khanaqin.


Security forces detained an Iranian man and a Sudanese man who were “wanted” in Mosul, and six al Qaeda operatives in Mosul and near Baghdad. Insurgents kidnapped two oil ministry employees in Jalawlaa.


Iran interferes in Afghanistan™s affairs

Saudi Gitmo recidivists

Uthman-Ghamdi-thumb.JPGAlthough the Saudi government has not identified the 25 terrorists released from Guantanamo Bay who are known to have returned to jihad, 15 of them can be identified.

United States

Holbrooke: ‘Iran sanctions could impact Pakistani companies™