Search Results for: TTP

Saudi Arabia

US police probe ‘suspicious’ case of missing student of Saudi origins

Islamic State

Grand Theft Auto: ISIS? Militants reveal video game

Islamic State

How Islamic State uses Syria’s oil to fuel its advances


Turkish intelligence warned officials in all 81 provinces about some 22 bomb-laden Islamic State vehicles in the country as well as 30 possible suicide bombers. Police are monitoring IS groups in Ankara and Konya, as well as IS cells in Hatay, Adana, Gaziantep, Kilis, Şanlıurfa, İstanbul, and Mersin. A deputy prime minister said 60,000 Syrian […]

Islamic State

About 60,000 Syrian Kurds flee to Turkey from Islamic State advance


Authorities said that five Norwegian military officers will be sent to the US to help with the US-led coalition against the Islamic State; the officers will be engaged in planning, most likely for the training of security forces. Noting that Norway has not yet decided the extent of its full contribution to the coalition, Defense […]


A Belgian news report said authorities have foiled several terrorist attacks in Belgium and arrested a number of suspects who had returned from fighting with the Islamic State in Syria. While up to 400 Belgians are reported to have gone to Syria to join the IS, the actual number is thought to be higher, and […]


Detachment 88 counterterrorism forces have arrested four ethnic Uighurs in the Poso district of Sulewesi who had entered the country with fake passports and are suspected of links to the Islamic State. The suspects were reportedly trying to meet with Santoso, the head of the Eastern Indonesia Mujahideen. Militants in Santoso’s group are thought to […]

Al Qaeda

Judge Questions Plea Deal With Man Tied to Lethal Qaeda Bombings


Kurdish Peshmerga forces expand ISIS offensive


A recent report by the Interior Ministry notes that 40 women are among the 348 people known to have left Germany to fight for Islamist groups. The report also states that of the 120 German jihadists who have returned from Syria, only about 24 have agreed to cooperate with authorities. German authorities are currently conducting […]


Morocco Expands Laws Against Jihad Seekers


Interview with Ahmad Chalabi on Islamic State, Iraq and Syria


Kerry sees role for Iran in ISIS war, France joins air campaign


Libya army chief declares emergency


5 UN peacekeepers killed in Mali

Boko Haram

6 killed in Boko Haram attacks in Cameroon

Boko Haram

Nigeria – Boko Haram kills scores at Borno market


The Justice Ministry introduced new temporary asylum measures in response to a dramatic influx this year of refugees, particularly from Syria. The government also said Danish citizens and residents who travel to fight in foreign conflict zones will be stripped of their passports or residency, and Danish citizens will be imprisoned when they come home.


CIA halts spying in Europe

Islamic State

British Muslim scholars tell ISIS that holding hostage goes against Qur’an


The French military carried out its first airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq, attacking a logistics depot in the northeast. President Hollande said precautions had been taken to ensure there were no civilian casualties, and more strikes will be carried out in the coming days. Some jihadists on Twitter called for retaliation against France.


Australian Federal Police to take over Parliament security after ‘chatter’ about possible terrorist attack; investigation into ‘beheading plot’ continues


US Faces Tough Struggle on Ground to Oust ISIS