Search Results for: Iran

More on the Hamburg mosque’s connections to the European plot

CNN confirmed Thomas Joscelyn’s report that the Taiba (Al Quds) Mosque in Hamburg of 9/11 fame is at the heart of the plot to carry out Mumbai-like assaults in Europe. The CNN report highlights some more of the players in the plot. Also note that some of the Germans traveled “overland through Iran” [for more […]


Security forces detained 75 wanted men and suspected terrorists during raids in Basrah, Samara, and Diyala, and a senior al Qaeda leader in Baghdad. One policeman was killed in an armed bank robbery in Baghdad. A suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack near Sulaimaniya; the suicide bomber had entered Iraq from Iran.


“Militants” have invited terrorists from Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan to join their ranks and help establish an Islamic Emirate in Indonesia. Indonesian and Australian forces will hold join exercises in Bali.


In Syria, Iranian president disparages US peace efforts in Mideast


Shabaab ordered three aid agencies – Mercy Corps, Med-Air, and Horn Relief – to be expelled from Mogadishu as they “propagated Western ideology.” Iranian President Ahmadinejad blamed “colonialist governments” for the violence in Somalia.


Turks believe focus should be on Middle East and away from Europe

United States

Cleric calls on Iran to take US-led sanctions seriously

Special Groups active in Iraqi south

Logo for the Hezbollah Brigades from a propaganda video released on the Internet. The Iranian-backed Shia terror groups collectively known as the Special Groups (a term coined by US forces in 2007) have stepped up attacks in the Iraqi south, according to reports from the region. An official told Voices of Iraq that the Hezbollah […]


Dutch town of Delft is center of a new Iranian activism


Italy: President warns Iran against Sakineh’s stoning


Flood-hit Pakistanis and Afghans may cross to Iran: UNHCR


Afghan troops killed 24 Taliban fighters in Uruzgan. Security forces detained several Haqqani Network fighters in Khost and defeated Taliban attacks in Helmand. The Taliban killed eight policemen in attacks in Kunduz. General Petraeus said Iran is aiding the Taliban.


Insurgents killed seven workers at a factory in Bayji and a civilian in Baqubah. Security forces detained 11 al Qaeda operatives in Baghdad and an al Qaeda bomb maker in Ninewa. The Iranians shelled PJAK fighters in northern Iraq.


Insurgents killed a US soldier in Basrah and a civilian in Hillah. Security forces captured a “high-ranking” al Qaeda operative near Miqdadiyah. General Odierno said Iran continues to fund Shia terror groups operating in Iraq.


Russia helps Iran load fuel into its first nuclear plant