Search Results for: Iran

The Taliban acquisition of anti-aircraft platforms

The ZPU-1 and the ZU-23-2 (pictured) have seen a robust role in Afghan combat since the 1980s. On Oct. 28, a targeted ISAF airstrike killed Mullah Abdullah Kakar, one of the Taliban’s operational commanders in Zabul province who was responsible for a long list of attacks and IEDs in the Shah Joy district. What is […]


Interview: Petraeus on Afghanistan, Iran, Taliban strategy


Israel warns Russia that Iran may get S-300 via Venezuela


Jamal Ahmed Mairan, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arbian Peninsula in the towns of Lauder and Modia, surrendered to authorities in Abyan province. A court charged Sharif Mobley, an American citizen with ties to al Qaeda, with murder.


Officials say Obama has offer for Iran


Afghan leader admits his office gets cash from Iran


Iran set to load fuel to core of first atomic plant


President Karzai admitted to receiving “bags of money” from Iran and other countries but insisted the payments were legitimate aid. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Khost, Paktika, and Badghis. The Taliban killed three civilians and a policeman in a suicide attack in Khost, […]


Iran said to give top Karzai aide cash by bagful

United States

Iraq’s Kurds emerge as kingmakers as Iran tries to flex its muscle


Insurgents killed nine members of a mukhtar’s family after detonating four IEDs planted in the home in Tikrit, and killed a civilian in an IED attack in Baqubah. An insurgent died in a premature detonation in Mosul. Security forces detained 10 wanted men in Kirkuk. Prime Minister Maliki met with Muqtada al Sadr in Iran.


Twelve people were killed during clashes in Beledweyne between pro-government forces and Shabaab fighters. “Gunmen” ambushed and killed 20 Shabaab fighters in Hiran province. Puntland security forces captured four Shabaab fighters in the Galgala mountains.

United States

US fears Chinese companies are breaking Iran sanctions


The Taliban killed 11 security guards, five policemen, and three civilians in attacks in Helmand, Herat, and Ghazni. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, and Baghlan. The US said Iran has a role in resolving the Afghan conflict.


Iraq’s Allawi charges Iran destabilizing Mideast


Shabaab took control of the town of Dhusamareb from Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a after the Sufi group battled a rival clan for control of Adado. Shabaab forces attacked the town of Elgal in Hiran province, sparking heavy fighting.

Qari Hussain Mehsud killed in Predator strike?

Image from an audiotape from Qari Hussain Mehsud, who takes credit for the failed car bombing in New York City. Qari Hussain is a senior leader and master bomb maker in the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. YouTube has removed the audiotape. I have been hearing rumors that Qari Hussain Mehsud, the deputy to […]


Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, presented Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad with a rifle captured from an Israeli soldier during the 2006 war. The two leaders met at the Iranian embassy in Beirut. Ahmedinejad vowed to continue to support Hezbollah.


Iranian President Ahmedinejad denounced the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and said it was trying to “frame” and defame Hezbollah. The US said Hezbollah has shown it is more loyal to Iran than the people of Lebanon.


Weapons, including Iranian-made, seized in Nimroz

Brother of notorious al Qaeda operative denied habeas petition

A Gitmo detainee named Toffiq al Bihani was recently denied his petition for a writ of habeas corpus by a DC district judge. Toffiq is the brother of a notorious al Qaeda operative and received training at al Qaeda’s facilities in pre-9/11 Afghanistan.


Insurgents killed three policemen and five civilians in attacks in Dhi Qhar, Baghdad, Mosul, and Fallujah. Security forces arrested a key leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq in Tal Afar. The government aired the confessions of two al Qaeda operatives involved in a plot to attack the Iranian, Egyptian, and German embassies.

Judge finds that Kuwaiti Gitmo detainee was no charity worker

A district judge denied a Kuwaiti Gitmo detainee’s petition for a writ of habeas corpus in September. The detainee, Fayiz al Kandari, claims that he was a mere charity worker, but he was really an influential al Qaeda recruiter with ties to a terror cell that launched an attack on the US Marines in 2002.

Al Qaeda’s #3 misidentified again

An al Qaeda leader named Sheikh Younis al Mauritani has been identified as al Qaeda’s external operations chief and number three in the organization. According to US intelligence officials contacted by The Long War Journal, he is neither.