Search Results for: Pakistan


The Inter Service Intelligence agency and the Intelligence Bureau have been placed under the command of the prime minister. The Jaish-e-Mohammad in North Waziristan assassinated a representative of the Jamia Hafsa for siding with the government. The Taliban bombed two barber shops in Swat. Nine people were kidnapped in Hangu.


New breed of Taliban commanders lined up


War on terror is Pakistan’s own war: prime minister


The Taiban bombed a girls’ school and a shopping center in Swat; 10 extremists were detained. Security forces abandoned four checkpoints in Bajaur along the Afghan border; the Taliban has occupied two of them. The Taliban released eight security officials in Hangu and said it would not launch an operation against the provincial government. The […]


Taliban Exploit Sectarian Rift in Siege of Shiites in Pakistan Enclave


Pakistan draws a bead on Baitullah


The government signed an agreement with the Taliban in Hangu. Security forces are planning an operation against extremists in Karachi. An engineer has been kidnapped in Khyber. The government formed a committee to review the implementation of sharia law in Malakand.


US to Shift Pakistan Counter-Terrorism Aid for Fighter Jet Upgrade


The military ended the Hangu operation after claiming the objective has been met. The federal government unanimously decided negotiations with the Taliban is the primary strategy to defeat extremism. The Taliban extended the deadline that ordered the provincial government to halt operations. The Taliban is in complete control of Mohmand as Umar Khalid rises in […]


Pakistan warns of nuclear arms race


Prime Minister Gilani was told more than 8,000 foreign fighters are present in the tribal areas. Gilani met with tribal elders to plea for support in ending “militancy.” Omar Khalid, the leader of the Mohmand Taliban said his group “arrested” members of the rival Shah Sahib group, along with two intelligence personnel. The Taliban killed […]


An encounter with the Taliban


Behind Afghanistan lies Pakistan


India says peace process with Pakistan under stress


Militants Kill Pakistani Tribal Elder


Mullen sees a ‘syndication™ of extremist groups in Pakistan’s tribal areas


Thirty-three Baluchi rebels and nine Frontier Corps paramilitaries were killed during a battle in Dera Bugti. Five Taliban were killed during an assault on a Pakistani fort in Hangu, while the fighting has spread to neighboring Kurram. The Taliban torched a school in Swat. Baitullah Mehsud ordered an investigation of an intra-Taliban clash in Mohmand […]


(Pakistan) When Spies Don™t Play Well With Their Allies


Pakistani government to resolve all issues with Taliban through dialogue


The government said the Hangu operation would end in a few days. Swat’s Mullah Fazlullah led a Taliban “war strategy” session. Nine were killed in in clashes between Lashkar-e-Islam and Ansar-ul-Islam in Khyber. The Umar Khalid group killed two rival Taliban leaders in Mohmand. Seven civilians were wounded in a bombing at a cinema in […]


The Army said 10 Taliban have been killed during the Hangu operation. The government of the Northwest Frontier Province said it would not bow to the Taliban’s order to cede power. Mullah Nazir’s Taliban fighters murdered three “US spies” in South Waziristan. The Taliban vandalized trailers transporting supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan.


Pakistan troops kill 13 fighters in Hangu operation


The Taliban gave the Awami National Party five days to give up control of the Northwest Frontier Province. Police detained three suicide bombers in Swat. Two were killed during clashes between extremist groups in Mohmand. A jirga failed to negotiate an agreement between the Lashkar-e-Islam and Ansar-ul-Islam.


Pakistan: Tension grips town over Koran burning


The Pakistani Army launched an operation against the Taliban in Hangu. The Taliban captured two policemen in Swat. The former Pakistan ambassador to Afghanistan who was kidnapped in Khyber in February was taken to South Waziristan for captivity. A senior minister for the Northwest Frontier Province asked the Taliban to lay down their weapons for […]

US returns fire on Taliban inside Pakistan

Artillery and helicopters pound a Taliban position across the border after US troops take rocket fire from inside Pakistan. Pakistan fears US is massing for a strike into the tribal areas.