Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistan army ‘just miss’ Zawahiri


The Taliban claimed it kidnapped two Chinese engineers near the Afghan border. Nine Pakistanis were killed in a military offensive in Darra Adam Khel. Eight civilians were killed in a Pakistani military mortar attack in Bajaur. A tribal army retook two Taliban-control villages in Kurram; a cease-fire was declared after nine were killed and 26 […]


Taliban free six Pakistani soldiers


Military halts offensive in Pakistan for Ramadan


Six were killed, including “foreigners” in a US strike on an al Qaeda safe house in North Waziristan. Fighting in Kurram claimed 95 killed and 200 wounded. Lashkar-e-Islam leader Mangal Bagh fled Landi Kotal ahead of an operation. Tribesmen torched the homes of local Taliban in the Salarzai region in Bajaur. The Taliban bombed a […]


Pakistani Taliban Vows To Strike During Ramadan


The government declared a cease-fire for the month of Ramadan. Five terrorists, including two Canadian Arabs, were killed in a US airstrike in South Waziristan. Forty Taliban fighters, including a commander were reported killed in Swat. Eighteen Taliban surrendered to police in Peshawar.


Taliban ambushes in Pakistan threaten Nato’s vital logistics route into Afghanistan


The Role of Pakistan’s Madrassas

Pakistan declares Ramadan cease-fire

The cease-fire comes as heavy fighting with the Taliban has occurs in Swat, Bajaur, South Waziristan, and Aurkzai and the Taliban ramp up their suicide campaign.


The military thwarted a triple suicide bomb attack near the Kohat Tunnel; five were killed and 37 wounded. The government may halt military operations in the tribal areas and Swat during Ramadan. Twenty-five Taliban fighters, including a commander, were reported killed in airstrikes in Swat. Politicians said the government has lost its writ in Swat. […]


Pakistan’s presidential favorite under guard


A British-born al Qaeda suspect was detained near Gujranwala. Tribesman in Bajaur killed a suicide bomber and captured two while security forces killed five Taliban fighters. The military and the Taliban signed a cease-fire in South Waziristan after fighting on Aug. 27 resulted in 23 Taliban killed. The Taliban ordered civilians to leave Swat to […]


Angry protests and renewed violence rock country


Attack on Police Bus Kills 6 in Pakistan


Pakistan | Breaking up is easy to do


Pakistani troops traded machine-gun and artillery fire with insurgents in Bajur killing more than 30 Taliban fighters. The Pakistani military repelled a Taliban assault on a fort in the lawless South Waziristan tribal agency, killing 11 Taliban fighters and wounding up to 20 more. Swiss judicial authorities said they had closed a money-laundering case against […]


Eight Pakistanis were killed and more than 20 were wounded in a bombing in Islamabad. The Taliban attempted to assassinate the senior US diplomat in Peshawar. Pakistani forces claimed to have killed a senior Taliban leader in Swat. The Taliban banned foreign media from visiting North Waziristan.


U.N. Envoy™s Ties to Pakistani Are Questioned


The PML-N pulled out of the coalition government over a dispute over reappointing judges dismissed by former President Musharraf. The Taliban burned two US armored personnel carriers in Karachi that were destined for Afghanistan. Ten civilians were killed in a rocket attack on a politician’s home in Swat. The Taliban destroyed a police outpost, kidnapped […]


Pakistan’s Sharif pulls party out of coalition


Pakistan: Gunmen attack APCs in Karachi bound for Afghanistan


10 killed as Pakistan politician targeted


Pakistan’s Zardari says Taliban winning war


Forty-five Taliban and 10 soldiers were killed in fighting in Swat. Twenty-seven Pakistanis were killed in fighting in Kurram. Three bombings at a CD bazaar in Attock wounded four. The government banned the Taliban and rejected the Taliban’s unilateral cease-fire. JUI-F demanded the NWFP government resign due to the security situation. Baitullah Mehsud appointed three […]


Civilians beg Pakistan, militants to talk – Pakistan


US debates going after militants in Pakistan