Search Results for: Iran


Iran confirmed the arrest of several Slovak paragliders suspected of espionage. The seven Slovaks were arrested for allegedly photographing Iranian military sites sometime in the past few weeks.


Tough US Sanctions on Iran Hit Monday


Iran’s nuclear energy chief, Fereydoun Abbasi-Davan, said the country’s uranium enrichment program would continue at its current pace, despite the election of Hassan Rowhani to succeed President Ahmadinejad in August. Abbasi-Dayan also said refinement work at the underground Fordow facility would not change. Israel has warned that pressure on Iran over its nuclear program must […]


Ex-Pentagon general target of leak investigation, sources say


State secrets: Kerry’s department downplays Iran’s role in Latin America; likely to anger Congress


Iranian Terrorism Under ‘Moderate’ Presidents


Spokesman Says Iran’s President ‘Will Return With Hidden Imam’


The Sheikh of Terror


A senior Iranian official said calls by Sunni clerics such as Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi for jihad in Syria are fueling terrorism in the region. He also claimed that Iran was providing only “economic, political and media support” to Syria, not military aid to the Syrian army, and that Hezbollah was in Syria only to protect […]


Fears Grow Over Yemenis’ Ties to Iran


Interview with Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal on Syria and Hezbollah


Iran to deploy 4000 troops in Syria to support Assad forces


Hassan Rouhani, a “moderate” cleric and former chief nuclear negotiator, won the presidential election by a just over 50% majority, avoiding a runoff challenge. Rouhani has promised to ease sanctions on Iran and was recently endorsed by reformist candidate Mohammad Reza Aref, who pulled out of the race on June 11. In August, Rouhani will […]


Iran election: Ayatollah Khamenei’s shadow looms larger than any candidate’s


NSA Snooping Was Only the Beginning. Meet the Spy Chief Leading Us Into Cyberwar


Google Says It Has Uncovered Iranian Spy Campaign


Iran, the United States and ‘the cup of poison’


Ahead of vote, ‘kidnapped’ Iran reformists imprisoned at home


US Helps Allies Trying to Battle Iranian Hackers


Iran Guards wield electoral power behind scenes


Israel fast-tracks development of Arrow III defense system over Iran concerns


Israeli or U.S. Action Against Iran: Who Will Do It If It Must Be Done?


State media claimed that Iran has fielded a “massive” quantity of missile launchers that will allow the Iranian military to “crush the enemy” with simultaneous fire from long-range surface-to-surface missiles. The claim could not be independently verified.


The defense ministry said Iran has never sent “military forces” to Syria; IRGC chief Jafari stated in September that Quds Force members were in Syria to give the government “counsel and advice.” Syrian National Coalition chief Sabra alleged that “[t]housands of Iranian forces and its terrorist collaborators from Hezbollah are invading Syria.” The US has […]


A new report from the UN’s atomic energy agency said Iran is significantly expanding its nuclear program, and has started work on an alternative approach to developing a nuclear weapon. Advanced equipment for the enrichment of uranium is being installed at an accelerating pace at the Natanz plant, and work is progressing at other sites […]


Evidence Of Iranian Arms Provided To Syria In The Past 18 Months


Two alleged spies were hanged this morning. Iranian courts had convicted Kourosh Ahmadi of passing information to the CIA, and Mohammad Heydari had been convicted of passing information to Israel’s Mossad.


Iran-Based Hackers Traced to Cyber Attack on U.S. Company