Search Results for: Iran


Middle East: Iran praises sacking of Israeli embassy in Cairo


Insurgents killed an Iraqi soldier in Mosul. Security forces arrested 22 wanted men in Basrah. Iran claimed it killed 123 PJAK fighters, including the deputy military commander, during shelling in Iraq over the past month.


Iran warns Turkey about NATO’s defense system

Appeal denied for HIG facilitator detained at Gitmo

Shawali-Khan.jpgThe DC Circuit Court denied a Guantanamo detainee’s appeal yesterday. The detainee, Shawali Khan, was a facilitator for Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin prior to his capture in 2002. According to a leaked file, Khan’s cell in Kandahar received weapons and other support from Iran.


An Awakening officer was killed in Kirkuk. The Iranian military killed a woman during shelling in Kurdish areas in the north. The Baghdad Operations Commander dodged an assassination attempt in the capital.


A suicide bomber killed himself in a premature detonation. An “Iranian sniper” killed an Iraqi civilian in Haj Omran. Ninewa police discovered the body of an escaped prisoner.


Concern rising about Iran military nuclear work


Mohamed Shawqi el Islambuli, the brother of the man who assassinated Anwar Sadat in 1981, was arrested after arriving in Egypt from Iran. Islambuli, a member of the Egyptian Islamic Group, was sentenced to death for his role in the Luxor massacre. He is linked to al Qaeda.

Senior al Qaeda leader reportedly killed

Atiyah_Rahman.jpg Atiyah Abd al Rahman, a top al Qaeda leader, was reportedly killed on August 22. Senior US intelligence officials contacted by The Long War Journal would neither confirm nor deny Atiyah’s death. Atiyah was al Qaeda’s “general manager” and Osama bin Laden’s “chief of staff,” according to a senior US intelligence official.

Al Qaeda

Iran and Al Qaeda’s ‘Operations Chief’


Iran and Hezbollah hail rebels


Efforts on to legalise Afghan refugees’ stay in Iran


Two insurgents were killed in a premature detonation while planting a bomb in Fallujah. Muqtada al Sadr said that Iran refused to turn over Abu Duraa, the “Shiite Zarqawi,” to Iraq.


Saif al Islam, President Gaddafi’s son, said his family would ally with Islamist terror groups, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. “Libya will look like Saudi Arabia, like Iran. So what?” he said.


Security forces detained 28 wanted men in Basrah. Attacks by Iranian militias on US forces decreased significantly in July.

Al Qaeda

US Sees Iranian, al Qaeda Alliance


As Egypt charts new foreign policy course, away from US line, Iran hopes to warm ties


Iran: Leaders clash on arming foreign militants, ‘trading drugs for arms’


Iranian artillery strikes on Kurdish villages inside Iraq have killed two civilians. Security forces detained six wanted men in Basrah.


Yemeni tribes have joined government forces to battle al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in the city of Zinjibar in Abyan. The Joint Meeting Party accused Iran of backing the Shia Houthi rebels in Al Jawf province.


Insurgents killed two civilians, two policemen, and a soldier in Mosul. Iranian troops crossed the border into Iraqi and killed two PJAK fighters; an IRGC soldier was also killed.


Iran Offers Argentina Help With Bombing Probe