Search Results for: TTP

9 UN troops killed in Mali ambush

Yesterday’s ambush in Gao is the worst attack on UN forces since they took over security responsibilities in the summer of 2013.

Islamic State

US air strikes hit Islamic State near Syrian border town as fighting intensifies


Islamic State reportedly on Baghdad’s outskirts after week of victories

United States

US Army Chief of Staff: Days of ‘one big fight’ are over

Free Syrian Army

A Chronicler of Syria’s Conflict Returns to the Spotlight, Minus a Disguise


The US acted to save Iraq’s Kurds. Why not Syria’s?


Obama envoy sees long road ahead in war with Islamic State


French troops edge closer to Libya border to cut off Islamists


Authorities have arrested 100 Islamic State members suspected of plotting attacks on “critical facilities,” and security is being stepped up along the border with Syria. Abdul Shehadeh Tahawi, the leader of Jordan’s Salafi jihadists who is currently imprisoned in Zarqa, called the international coalition against the Islamic State a “satanic” invasion against Muslim “civilians, women […]


Libya Islamists reject dialogue


Jihadists ambushed a MINUSMA convoy between Ansongo and Menaka in northern Mali, killing nine Nigerien UN peacekeepers and wounding several others. French forces reportedly arrested four jihadists affiliated with Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s group Al Mourabitoun near Gao several days ago. Terrorists are said to be regrouping in northern Mali.


The military killed five “criminals” and injured four others in an ambush near the border with Niger yesterday; all of the “criminals” were foreigners, and one was a Libyan. On Sept. 30, troops searching for the body of slain French tourist Herve Gourdel clashed with a terrorist group outside Aït Oualbane, between Tizi Ouzou et […]


Authorities are seeking to send Erhan A., 22, a Turkish Salafist from Kempten, back to Turkey after arresting him recently. Erhan has fought in Iraq or Syria, and has links to Islamic State fighters as well as an Islamic State recruiting network in Germany.


Police arrested 20 members of the hardline Islam Defenders Front (FPI) after more than 10 police officers were wounded during a violent FPI protest in Jakarta. Among those arrested was Irwan, an FPI member who organized the event, which protested against an incoming deputy governor because he is Christian and Chinese. A rights group called […]

Islamic State

PKK leader Ocalan threatens to end peace talks with Turkey if Islamic State massacres Kurds


In war on Islamic State, what would victory look like?


ISAF commander General Campbell described the Taliban’s recent gains in Afghanistan as “fleeting.” The Taliban killed four Afghan soldiers in a suicide attack that targeted a military bus in Kabul. In his Eid address, Taliban emir Mullah Omar claimed victory and urged Afghan security personnel to attack Coalition soldiers.


The Islamic State took control of Hit and Anbar province and attacked military headquarters in Ramadi and at Al Asad Airfield. Twenty-four military personnel were reported killed in Hit. The US launched seven airstrikes against the Islamic State near Ramadi, Fallujah, Baghdad, and Mosul. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 50 Islamic State fighters in […]


A suicide bomber killed at least 53 people, including 47 young children, in an attack on a school in an Alawite neighborhood in Homs city. Clashes been the Kurdish YPG and the Islamic state continued around Kobane in Aleppo. Over 300,000 Kurds have been displaced by the Islamic State from Kobane and its environs, and […]


US envoy Allen arrives in Iraq, to visit Jordan, Egypt, Turkey


Pope Convenes Mideast Envoys Amid Islamic State Threat


Pamphlet argues Baghdadi’s legitimacy as head of caliphate


Panetta unloads on White House for pulling US forces out of Iraq