Search Results for: TTP


Algeria Tightens Niger Border Security


French investigators in Algeria to probe monks’ 1996 murders


A suicide bomber killed three soldiers and three civilians in Wardak. The Taliban killed a pro-government militia leader in Ghazni and two policemen in Kunar. The Afghan military claimed it retook control of Sangin district in Helmand.


The Islamic State killed 25 people in a triple suicide attack north of Baqubah, six Iraqis in a bombing in Baqubah, and 23 more civilians in a pair of bombings in Baghdad. The Islamic State also assassinated Anbar province’s chief of police. The US and allied countries launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State in […]


Suspected Shabaab militants detonated a car bomb in the center of Mogadishu, the capital city, killing at least seven people. Kenyan jets targeted Shabaab bases in Middle Jubba yesterday; a Kenyan commander of the AMISOM force claimed that some 60 Shabaab fighters were killed. A journalist working for a British-Somali TV station was critically wounded […]


US general sees bigger role ‘advising and assisting’ Iraqi forces


President Biya announced that 27 hostages kidnapped by Boko Haram months ago, including 10 Chinese workers and the wife of the deputy prime minister, were released to Cameroonian authorities. Suspected Boko Haram gunmen stormed Nigerian refugee camps in Kereomafa, across the border from Borno state, killing “many” refugees and seizing women; the attackers are said […]


President Hollande of France said that on Oct. 9 French forces destroyed an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb convoy in northern Niger that was transporting weapons from Mali to Libya. French forces “neutralized” the militants and captured some of them. France is establishing a new counterterrorism base in Niger.


20,000 Kurds protest against ISIS in Germany


Suspected Somali Islamists abduct Kenyan traders

Islamic State

Kurds urge more air strikes in Kobane; monitor warns of defeat


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and wounded five more in an attack outside of a police headquarters in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand. The US killed a Taliban district commander in an airstrike in Herat. Afghan intelligence disrupted a Taliban plot to carry out a complex suicide attack in Baghlan.


A suicide bomber killed 11 Iraqis at a market north of Baghdad. A Shia militia killed four Iraqi soldiers near Udaim. The Islamic State executed two civilians in Fallujah, and a reporter and three family members in Salahaddin. An Iraqi tribe killed five Islamic State fighters near Baiji. US and Dutch warplanes launched three airstrikes […]


The Islamic State battled regime forces in Deir Izzour; fought against the Islamic Front in Aleppo; and continued to try to advance against Kurdish YPG forces in the area around Kobane. The US-led air campaign carried out six airstrikes against the Islamic State near Kobane over the past two days. Over 550 people have been […]

Lebanese soldier defects to al Qaeda’s Syrian branch

The Al Nusrah Front has announced that a Lebanese soldier, Mohammed Antar, has defected to the jihadist group. Al Nusrah has released a photo and video of Antar, which are part of the organization’s ongoing propaganda campaign against Iran, Hezbollah, and the Lebanese government.

Al Nusrah Front

Jihadist attacks on Army aim to secure access to sea: Lebanese Army chief


Libya clashes drive 287,000 people from homes: UN


The Islamic State executed eight Iraqis near Tikrit and Kirkuk. The US launched one airstrike against the Islamic State near Baghdad. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 30 Islamic State fighters in Anbar and the group’s second in command in Babil and four more fighters.


The Islamic State reportedly captured Kurdish headquarters in Kobane and took over at least 40 percent of the town. Coalition airstrikes targeted the Islamic State in Kobane; IS fighters are said to be raising Kurdish YPG flags to mislead the coalition, and to be wearing YPG uniforms to infiltrate Kurdish areas. The IS battled YPG […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it carried out two attacks in Sana’a over the past two days. An attack on Oct. 10 targeted Houthi leader Ibrahim al Mahtouri with a “sticky bomb” attached to his car. A suicide attack in the capital on Oct. 9 killed dozens of Houthis.


The military claimed it killed Shehata Farhan, a senior leader in Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, or Ansar Jerusalem, during a raid in Rafah. The military also claimed it killed Mohamed Abu Shatiya, an Ansar Jerusalem military commander, also in Rafah last week.


Mohammed Al Zahawi, the commander of Ansar al Sharia in Benghazi, claimed that the city will soon be completely under the control of the Benghazi Revolutionaries’ Shoura Council. An explosion outside a Benghazi hotel killed a man and wounded two others. Pro-government Zintani forces accused Libya Dawn of bombing a key bridge between Jebel Nafusa […]


The government said it repatriated 82 foreigners for “nefarious activities that could undermine the security of Nigeria.” The military claimed to be conducting operations based on “active intelligence on Boko Haram positions” obtained from “a newly established intelligence sharing mechanism.”