Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistan: Reason for hope in the fight against militancy


Pakistanis Repudiate Violence


Pakistan: TNSM chief to persuade fighters to disarm if shariah imposed


A US airstrike killed nine Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in North Waziristan. Ten Pakistanis were killed in a Taliban bombing in Dir; eight police were wounded in a suicide attack in Islamabad. A Taliban letter was found at the Islamabad attack site. The military killed 21 Taliban fighters in Bajaur. n administrator and a […]


In a briefing to parliament, the military said Swat, Shangla, and other districts are under control of the Taliban. The military killed 20 Taliban and “foreign” fighters in Bajaur; five Taliban were killed and 27 were arrested in Darra Adam Khel; 22 Taliban were detained in Swat. Mullah Fazlullah announced a ‘conditional amnesty™ for officials […]

Pakistani Army rejects Waziristan operation

Pakistan has a tribal problem. The military looks to keep to the February peace agreement despite the presence of al Qaeda and Taliban camps. The Taliban seeks the status quo in South Waziristan.


Chinese Kidnapped in Pakistan Plead for Release


Spy planes trigger exodus in Waziristan


Seven people were wounded in a series of small bombings in Lahore. The leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami asked the government to halt operations in the tribal areas. The Taliban bombed two girls colleges and kidnapped tow policemen and two security guards in Swat. The Taliban freed five government officials in Hangu. The Salarzai tribe said […]


Five injured in series of blasts in Lahore


More than 20 Pakistanis were killed in a suicide bombing in Bhakkar in Punjab province. Qari Hussain has reopened a terror camp for children in Spinkai in South Waziristan. Six Taliban fighters were killed in Bajaur. Four Taliban fighters were killed and eight were captured in Darra Adam Khel. The governor of the Northwest Frontier […]


Iran urges Pakistan to help free kidnapped police


Pakistan: Fatwa against Zardari for flirting with Palin


Pakistan insists no deal made with US on strikes


Pakistan lawmakers to get rare intelligence briefing: officials


Two tribes formed a militia to oppose the Taliban in Arakzai. The military killed two Taliban leaders in Swat. Taliban spokesman Mullah Omar said senior leaders of the Awami National Party are on the hit list. Two rockets lander near the home of the Chief Minister of the Northwest Frontier Province.


Officials say Taliban mad over alleged US strike


Baitullah Mehsud proved he is alive by visiting several villages in South Waziristan. The Mahmood tribe decided to form an anti-Taliban lashkar while the Salazaris killed three Taliban in Bajaur. Security forces arrested a Lashkar-e-Islam commander and five fighters in Khyber.


Pakistan’s Mysterious New Spymaster


The Most Difficult Job in the World: Pakistan’s president on terrorism, India and his late wife. –


The US conducted two strikes in North Waziristan. The government of the Northwest Frontier Province is ready to hold talks with the Taliban in Swat. The Red Cross declared Pakistan a “new war zone.” Extremists kidnapped a security official in Khyber.


Pakistan’s Marriott bombing: a missed opportunity


Pakistan seeks Dr. Aafia™s custody from US


Militants are enemies of Islam, Pakistan: Salman Taseer


Confronting Taliban, Pakistan Finds Itself at War