Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistani President: "It’s Our War",


Pakistan torn over its tribal areas


Taliban preparing for showdown in Mohmand


A US airstrike killed 12 people, including al Qaeda fighters, in North Waziristan. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Charsadda and Mohmand. The government is threatening tribal groups in Bajaur and Khyber with attacks if they do not fight the Taliban. The Taliban bombed CD shops in Dera Ismail Khan.


2 Journalists Shot in Pakistan


The Taliban kidnapped an Iranian diplomat in a suburb of Peshawar. The government said the Mohmand tribes “will be targeted by helicopters and jet bombers” if they did not turn on the Taliban. Pakistani troops killed two Taliban fighters in Swat.


A Military Perspective on Pakistan – An Interview with Shuja Nawaz


The Taliban killed a US aid worker and his driver in a secure neighborhood in Peshawar, and killed seven Pakistanis, including three security personnel, in a suicide attack in Charsadda. Eight Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in fighting in Swat. The Taliban bombed a security checkpoint in Khyber. Taliban spokesman Mullah Omar warned […]


Four people, including two bodyguards for the provincial chief minister of the NWFP, were killed in a suicide attack in Peshawar; the Taliban took credit for the attack. Eleven Taliban fighters were killed in Swat and seven more were killed in Bajaur. Three Taliban and five civilians were killed in Khyber after security forces attempted […]


For Pakistan’s Tribesmen, A Difficult, Deadly Choice


Pakistanis Mired in Brutal Battle to Oust Taliban


Captured battle plan shows strength and training of Taliban forces


Pakistan™s anti-Taliban support risky


The Taliban in Khyber hijacked a supply column headed for NATO forces in Afghanistan; most of the containers have been recovered. Seven Taliban fighters were killed and 12 surrendered in Bajaur. Seven Taliban were killed in Swat.


Pakistan: ‘As we skirted a suicide attack our escort vehicle was hit by a bomb’


Pakistan president sees success in militant war


Pakistan: Jamia Binoria madrassa graduates


Pakistani Madrassas seek to shed terror label


US forces killed eight extremist from Amar Bil Maroof during hot pursuit into Khyber. Thirteen Taliban fighters were killed in airstrikes in Bajaur. Heavy fighting has been reported between the Taliban and security forces in Mohmand. Security forces killed a journalist in Swat.


Pakistani forces killed 10 Taliban fighters wearing Frontier Corps uniforms in Swat, 25 fighters in Bajaur, and seven more in Mohmand. Eight civilians were killed by Pakistani military mortar fire in Swat. The Taliban murdered two “US spies” in North Waziristan. The Pakistani government will now refer to the Taliban as “miscreants.”


Pakistan Officials: Taliban Kills 2 Afghans Over Spying Accusations


A US strike on a Taliban and al Qaeda camp in North Waziristan killed 14 people. Twenty Taliban were killed in Pakistani airstrikes in Bajaur. One Taliban fighter was killed in a clash with a tribal militia in Swat. Police defused a bomb in a market in Hangu. Anti-Taliban pamphlets were distributed in Mohmand.


Pakistan: Lawyers may be prosecuted under terror laws


Pakistan: Mohmand Agency braces for military action


A suicide bomber attacked a tribal meeting in Bajaur; 22 tribal members were killed. A suicide attack in Swat killed two paramilitary troops. Nineteen Taliban fighters were killed in airstrikes in Bajaur. The government freed three Taliban prisoners, including Baitullah Mehsud™s deputy, Maulvi Rafiuddin, in exchange for 10 soldiers taken hostage in Hangu district.


Four killed, many injured in Swat suicide Blast