Search Results for: Iran


Iran: Mursi victory signals ‘Islamic awakening’ in region

Iranian Boycott Targets Rising Food Prices


A court has ordered that Masoud Sedaghatzadeh, an Iranian linked to an explosion targeting Israeli diplomats at a house in Bangkok, be extradited to Thailand to face charges. Two other suspects linked to the plot are being held in Thailand, and two more are thought to have returned to Iran.


Police seized a bag of bombmaking materials, including 13 pounds of ammonium nitrate, dropped by three suspects who eluded capture in Nairobi. Yesterday the US warned that a terrorist attack in Kenya was imminent. Police arrested two Iranian nationals suspected of links to a terror network planning bombings in Nairobi and Mombasa.

Iran ‘producing enriched uranium at faster pace’

Iran nuclear talks downgraded

Pakistan detains al Qaeda operative tied to multiple plots

An al Qaeda operative named Naamen Meziche has been reportedly detained in Pakistan. Meziche had extensive ties to the 9/11 plotters and was part of a 2010 plot to launch Mumbai-style attacks in Europe. That plot also had significant links to al Qaeda’s Iran-based network.

United States

Citing security risks in the Middle East ranging from the Iranian nuclear program to terrorism and political instability, the US indicated that it plans to maintain a force of 13,500 US troops in Kuwait. The current US troop level in Kuwait is 15,000.

Iran’s economic pain deepens as new nuclear talks begin


The US accused Russia of arming the Assad regime. Russia defended its arms sales and accused the US of arming rebels. Saudi Arabia and Qatar supplied weapons to rebel forces. The Syrian army continued toattack the town of Haffa with helicopters and tanks as rebel forces withdrew.

Iran nuclear talks are on, but both sides frustrated, say diplomats

Iran feels sanctions pain as oil income slumps


Iran and Iraq: Battle of the ayatollahs


Iran and Azerbaijan, Wary Neighbors, Find Less to Agree On


Iran rallies to aid of Iraq’s embattled leader

United States

Defense Secretary Panetta said unilateral US action in Syria was unlikely and that international cooperation and pressure on the regime was imperative. He also said that by 2020, 60% of the US Navy fleet will have shifted to Asia-Pacific waters. A federal court directed Secretary of State Clinton to decide whether the People’s Mujahedeen Organization […]


The US has requested that Iraq extradite Hezbollah commander Ali Mussa Daqduq, who is still in Iraqi custody. Daqduq trained Shia militias on behalf of Iran’s Qods Force and was involved in the kidnapping and murder of US soldiers in Karbala in 2007.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released 27 Yemeni soldiers who have been captured during military operations in Shabwa. Yemen’s foreign minister accused Iran of “intervention in internal affairs.”

United States

The US Supreme Court upheld, without comment, a lower court’s decision to deny former Iranian hostages compensation for their ordeal in 1979. Congress is considering increasing fines for violations of sanctions on Iran and using some of the proceeds to compensate the former hostages.

Iran has enough uranium for 5 bombs: expert


Bahrain sentenced six people to 15 years in prison for plotting with Iran to stage attacks within the country. Targets included the Interior Ministry, the Saudi embassy, and a causeway linking the island to Saudi Arabia.


Iran Says It Won’t Halt Uranium Enrichment


US officials among the targets of Iran-linked assassination plots


Southern Exposure: Iran, Terror Groups Setting Up Shop in South America


Iran not ready for visit to suspect nuclear site


Higher enrichment at Iranian site


Insight: Iran’s Great Game in Afghanistan