Search Results for: Lashkar-e-Taiba

Suicide bomber kills 17 in Kabul, including 5 ISAF troops

A suicide bomber flipped an up-armored Rhino in the capital; the Taliban claimed credit for the attack. Three Australian soldiers were killed in Kandahar, and a female suicide bomber attacked Afghan intelligence officials in Kunar.

Pakistan’s Jihad continues

The report of the murder of a US Army major at a Pakistani base in Teri Mangal in 2007 is but the latest piece of evidence of that country’s duplicity.

US Treasury lists 3 senior al Qaeda leaders as terrorists

The al Qaeda leaders were identified as Younis al Mauritani, a senior member of the external operations council who was recently arrested in Pakistan; Hassan Ghul, a key facilitator who was freed by the Pakistanis in 2007; and Abu Yahya al Libi, a top ideologue.

HUJI claims bombing at Delhi High Court

The Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami claimed it carried out the attack to force India to repeal the death sentence of a terrorist involved in the 2001 assault on the parliament in Delhi.

Al Qaeda cell targeted by Treasury Department tied to multiple terror groups

Two senior members of al Qaeda’s al Ghuraba cell were designated by the Treasury Department earlier this month. The cell was first broken up in 2003, based on intelligence gleaned from detainees in the CIA’s controversial enhanced interrogation program. Lashkar-e-Taiba reportedly provided training for the cell.

Kashmiri faked death: Indian intelligence

“The indications are that Kashmiri intentionally floated the news of his death in a drone attack to avoid the heat following the killing of Bin Laden in Pakistan,” according to a report.

Taliban shoot down US helicopter in Kunar

Chinook-FOB-Joyce.jpgThe Chinook was shot down just outside an Afghan base. No US soldiers were killed. The Taliban claimed two of its fighters were killed while shooting down the helo with RPGs.

21 killed in Mumbai bombings

The so-called Indian Mujahideen is suspected of carrying out the three bombings in India’s financial capital today.