Search Results for: Pakistan


Captors suspect Canadian `a spy’


An IED attack on a funeral procession killed 10 civilians in Dera Ismail Khan. One policeman was killed and four were wounded in a rocket attack in Hangu. Two soldiers were wounded in an IED attack and two “US spies” were executed in North Waziristan. Thirteen Taliban were killed in strikes in Bajaur.


UN concerned over US attacks in Pakistan


Pakistan: Al-Qaeda-friendly militants operating in Karachi, warns top advisor


Nine tribal leaders were killed in a suicide attack in Bajaur. The military killed 24 Taliban fighters in Bajaur and 20 more in Swat. The Taliban beheaded two tribesmen in Arakzai. Hafiz Gul Bahadar threatened to end the peace agreement in North Waziristan if US strikes were not stopped. The Army is training its forces […]


Taliban warns of reprisals as Pakistan protests US drone attacks


The US strikes deeper in Pakistan


Pakistan protest to US ambassador


US general optimistic about tripartite coordination: Operation on both sides of border


Pakistani general calls for halt to missile strikes


A US strike in Bannu killed a senior al Qaeda operative. The general formerly in charge of the Special Services Group commandos was assassinated outside of Islamabad. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Swat and five more in Bajaur. The military warned tribes in Mohmand to fight the Taliban or be expelled from their […]


Pak Army Chief vows to keep NATO supply line open


Major Al Qaeda operative killed in US drone strike


Former Pakistani commando general shot dead


Seven tribesmen and three Taliban fighters were killed in clashes in Bajaur; the Taliban captured several tribal leaders and will try them in a sharia court. Fifteen Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed in fighting in Swat. The government asked the Taliban to lay down their weapons and negotiate. The Taliban promised not to […]


The government reopened the Torkham border crossing in Khyber; paramilitary forces are escorting NATO convoys. Three soldiers and seven civilians were killed a Taliban suicide attack in Swat; 12 Taliban were killed and eight were captured in Charsadda; and 38 Taliban surrendered in Bajaur. The Taliban threatened to attack the Daewoo Bus Service in Punjab […]


Paks Rumbling with Afghan Rebels?


Officials: Violence in Pakistan Leaves 8 Dead


Khyber pass reopened to convoys


The Washington Post said the Pakistani government approves of the US airstrikes in the tribal areas; the government denied the report. The Torkham border crossing may reopen to NATO traffic shortly. A tribal leader and 16 Taliban fighters were killed during clashes in Bajaur.


Pakistan to re-open Khyber to supply Western forces