Search Results for: Iran


New York police link nine 2012 plots to Iran, proxies


The US is providing $112 million in military aid and training to Yemen this year. Iran denied Yemeni government officials’ claims that it was interfering in Yemen’s internal affairs.


Israeli officials say Iran will face retaliation for killing of tourists in Bulgaria


Sergey Denisenko and Andrei Kosolapov, two associates of jailed arms trafficker Viktor Bout, have been running a weapons smuggling operation from Mauritius. The island nation was used to funnel arms to Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and an Army officer were killed in separate clashes. Police arrested members of an “Iranian spy cell” run by the IRGC. President Hadi urged Iran to cease interfering in Yemen.


In Iran, two opposing pictures of Syria


Peter B., a leader of the Salafist movement in Frankfurt, was arrested by German authorities in Istanbul. The German national and Muslim convert had been in Pakistan’s Waziristan area for a year, then traveled to Iran and Turkey. He is accused of belonging to a terrorist group and recruiting fighters for jihad in Afghanistan.

United States

Parviz Khaki, an Iranian citizen, and Zongcheng Yi, a resident of China, were indicted on conspiracy charges for attempting to provide Iran with US materials for gas centrifuges used in enriching uranium. Yi remains at large but Khaki was detained in the Philippines in May.

United Kingdom

Sir John Sawers, the head of MI6, said that the UK agency had thwarted Iran’s attempt to develop a nuclear weapon, by means of covert operations beginning in 2008. He predicted that Iran would have nuclear weapons capability by 2014.


After discussing a new peace initiative with President Assad, UN envoy Kofi Annan continued to Iran where he said Iran “must be part of the solution.” He also met with Prime Minister Maliki in Iraq. Russia proposed hosting new talks and said it would sell no new weapons to Syria until the situation in the […]


Police said that two Iranian Qods Force members arrested June 19 were planning attacks in Kenya. They face terror charges for shipping over 200 pounds of RDX to Kenya; 33 pounds have been found. The suspects are said to have “a vast network in the country meant to execute explosive attacks….”

Senior al Qaeda ideologue freed in Mauritania

Abu Hafs al Mauritani, a senior al Qaeda ideologue, has been set free in Mauritania. Until earlier this year, Abu Hafs was held under a loose form of house arrest in Iran. His sudden extradition to Mauritania and subsequent freedom worries some US intelligence officials.


Gulf sabers rattle as Iran sanctions bite


Opposition political groups meeting in Cairo agreed to a transition plan and to support the Free Syrian Army, but failed to form a unified representative body. The Al Nusra Front claimed responsibility for bombing a pro-government TV station. Hezbollah and Iran would fight alongside the Assad regime if it was attacked by foreign forces.


The head of Kenya’s Muslims denounced attacks on Christian churches in Garissa as “terrorism” and said Muslim youth would help provide security for churches in Garissa and elsewhere. The government canceled an oil deal with Iran shortly after being warned by the US about possible sanctions.


US Adds Forces in Persian Gulf, a Signal to Iran

Report: Al Qaeda trained Mumbai attackers

The man suspected of being a key facilitator for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks has reportedly told authorities that the attackers were trained by al Qaeda operatives.


Seven people were killed during fighting between Shabaab fighters and Kenyan and Somali troops in Qogani. Shabaab fighters killed two Somali troops in Gedo. The governor of Hiran province survived an assassination attempt.

Iran Braces For Full Force Of EU Oil Embargo


Insurgents killed Iraqis in a series of bombings in Balad. To hedge against a possible Iranian attack on shipping in the Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia reopened a pipeline built by Iraq in the 1980s.

United States

A jury convicted Saudi student Khalid Ali Aldawsari of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction; he faces a possible life term in prison. His intended “jihad” included blowing up dams, nuclear power plants, and the home of former US President George W. Bush. The US added China and Singapore to its list of […]


The Taliban released a video of the beheading of 17 Pakistani soldiers. The Lashkar-e-Islam killed eight Pakistani soldiers in an IED attack in Khyber. Twenty Pakistanis traveling to Iran were killed in a bus bombing in Quetta.


Egypt: Govt orders imams to decline invites to visit Iran