Search Results for: TTP


Israel reopens Al-Aqsa mosque compound: police

Islamic Jihad

Jerusalem holy site closure ‘declaration of war’ – Abbas


UK government can be sued over rendition claims, judges rule


Tunisia’s Islamists down but not out after election defeat


Somali government forces killed four members of Shabaab in the Hiran region in south-central Somalia. A Shabaab leader killed in a US airstrike on Sept. 1 reportedly “had established new ties with” the Islamic State. The first wave of 2,700 additional Ugandan troops deployed to the country has arrived at Mogadishu International Airport.


The final tally in Tunisia’s election shows a total of 85 (of 217) seats for the secular Nidaa Tunis party vs. 69 for the Islamist Ennhahda party.


French forces and an AQIM-affiliated group clashed in the Tigharghar valley near the Algerian border. One French paratrooper and about 20 of an estimated 30 militants were killed, according to the French defense minister.


Boko Haram attacked the town of Mubi, again violating the recent ceasefire with the government as negotiations are ongoing in Chad. The group ransacked the local emir’s palace, freed jailed militants, burned houses, and killed “several people.” The Nigerian air force launched airstrikes in retaliation.


The state-owned utility EDF said complaints have been filed against the unnamed persons who have flown drones over seven of France’s nuclear plants between Oct. 5 and Oct. 20. Interior Minister Cazeneuve said an investigation has been launched and measures are being taken to neutralize the drones. Foreign Minister Le Drian said a French paratrooper […]


For Turkey and US, at odds over Syria, a 60-year alliance shows signs of crumbling


Dane in Lebanon arrested for being alleged IS fighter


European women convert, join IS


Militants target civil activists in Libya


Turkish authorities claimed that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was responsible for the murder of three Turkish soldiers in Hakkari on Oct. 25, but the PKK denied responsibility. A Turkish officer was shot by masked men in Diyarbakır. An estimated 50 to 150 Free Syrian Army soldiers crossed over from Turkey into Syria to assist […]

Al Nusrah Front

Al Qaeda still offering olive branch to renegade ISIL group


Security was heightened during the trial of 46 members of the terrorist group Sharia4Belgium in Antwerp on Oct. 27 after reports surfaced that defendant Fouad Belcakem was planning to escape. The trial against the terrorist group, which is suspected of sending fighters to Syria, began on Sept. 29. Only eight defendants were present; the other […]

United Kingdom

Antiterrorism police arrested a man in east London who is suspected of Syria-related terrorism offenses. Police are questioning a man who doused himself with gasoline and tried to set himself on fire outside the Woolwich barracks, close to the spot where British soldier Lee Rigby was murdered by Islamist extremists in May 2013.

Al Nusrah Front offensive in Idlib targets Assad regime, fellow rebels

The Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s official branch in Syria, has captured several towns and villages in the countryside of Idlib. The territory was controlled by the Syrian Revolutionaries Front (SRF), which has been allied with Al Nusrah despite being part of the Free Syrian Army.

Islamic State

Interview with an Islamic State Recruiter: ‘Democracy Is For Infidels’


Iraqi Peshmerga arrive in Turkey to head for Syria


Australia trying to confirm death of IS militant Mohammad Ali Baryalei

Free Syrian Army

Indictment on Terrorism Charge Traces Man’s Arc From Germany to Syria and Back


Bangladesh Islamist Party Chief Sentenced to Death

United States

The Homeland Security Department said security will be stepped up around federal government buildings in Washington and in other US cities due to the threat of terrorism. Robel Phillipos, a friend of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was convicted of lying to investigators.


The Iraqi military claimed it killed 15 Islamic State fighters in airstrikes in Albu Faraj south of Tikrit. The US launched nine airstrikes against the Islamic State in Haditha, west of Baghdad, near the Mosul Dam, and Sinjar. Iraqi sources claimed 60 Islamic State fighters were killed in the airstrikes in Sinjar.


Yesterday, a suicide bomber killed 20 people in an attack on Shiite Houthis in the Manesseh area of Baydah province. More than 250 people have been killed in the fighting in Manesseh between al Qaeda and the Houthis over the previous three days. AQAP killed a soldier in an IED attack in Hadramout.