Search Results for: Iran


Abdul Mehdi al Karbalai, the representative to Iraq’s senior Shia cleric, called for the UN to criminalize insults against the Prophet Mohammed. The leader of the Asaib al Haq, who was freed by the US in 2010, threatened to attack US interests in Iraq.


The Treasury Department sanctioned Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah, along with Talal Hamiy, head of Hezbollah’s external security, and Mustafa Amine Badreddine, accused killer of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri. Nasrallah was sanctioned for providing support to the Assad regime in Syria, including facilitating the training of Assad forces by officers from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards; […]


Protests outside the US embassy turned violent. Protesters threw Molotov cocktails while police responded with tear gas. President Morsi said he backed peaceful protest but not attacks on embassies. President Morsi attempted to persuade Iran to drop its support of the Assad regime in Syria.


Analysis: Canada may have cut ties with Iran to avoid retaliation


Israel and the US sparred over Iran’s nuclear program. US Secretary of State Clinton said the US would set no “red lines” or deadlines, while Defense Secretary Panetta said the US had about a year to act. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said that unless the US gives Iran an ultimatum to stop work on nuclear […]

AQAP deputy emir reported killed in recent drone strike

Shihri-Inspire-1-thumb.JPGThe Yemeni military claimed that Said al Shihri, a former Guantanamo detainee and the current deputy emir of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has been killed. The report has not been confirmed; Yemeni officials have claimed in the past that he has been killed and captured.


Nuclear-armed Iran ‘not an option’: Westerwelle

European Union

Sierra Leone removes nine Iranian vessels from shipping register


France considered sending lethal aid to the rebels. The amount of aid delivered so far has been limited. Iran has sent 150 Revolutionary Guards commanders to aid the Assad regime.


Calling Iran the biggest threat to global security, Canada closed its embassy in Tehran and gave Iranian diplomats five days to leave Canada. Canada designated Iran a state sponsor of terrorism for giving material support to terrorist groups, and also cited Iran’s growing aid to the Assad regime, its disregard for both human rights and […]

United States

After the formal transfer of Afghan detention operations on Sept. 9, the US military will continue to oversee detention of non-Afghan prisoners at Bagram Air Base, and will still be involved in the screening of newly captured Afghan detainees. The State Department said Iraq is obligated to demand inspection of any Iranian aircraft suspected of […]

Analysis: Some Gulf rulers wary of U.S. shifts on Islamists, Iran


In his first foreign policy speech, President Morsi called on Syrian president Assad to step down and warned Iran against interfering in Arab affairs. In the Sinai, the Egyptian army began replacing heavy tanks with lighter armored vehicles, signalling that the operation against Islamic militants had entered a new phase.


Iran says it treats Israeli military threats as American


An appeals court upheld the convictions of 20 activists convicted of trying to overthrow the government. Leaders in the group were in “intelligence contact” with Iran and its ally Hezbollah.


Turkish leaders accused Syria and Iran of supporting the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has intensified its campaign in southeast Turkey after taking over dozens of villages in northern Syria this summer. Security forces shot a suspected PKK suicide bomber near Sanliurfa.


Report Details Iran’s Progress at Fordow Nuclear Site


Turkey’s proposal for the creation of a humanitarian safe zone for civilians inside Syria received no support at the UN. Already about 80,000 Syrians have fled to Turkey. Turkey intends to continue to press its proposal at the UN and also with Russia and Iran.


Iran urges nonaligned nations role in Syria


On his first trip to Iran, President Morsi called for Syrian President Assad to step down, and hinted that Egypt might take a more active role in the conflict. Morsi also warned Iranian President Ahmadinejad that Iran’s continued support for the Assad regime raises the risk of of Western intervention.


Chinese Banks Funneled Money to Iran, Prosecutors Believe


Iran doubles underground nuclear capacity: IAEA


More than 300 bodies were found in a town outside the Syrian capital Damascus. Syria’s opposition accused the Assad regime of mass executions. Iran’s national security chief met with President Assad and his top aides.


Iran drawing India closer with talks on train, road access to Afghanistan

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh accepted an invitation to attend a non-allgned summit in Iran. PLO president Abbas threatened to boycott the summit if Hamas attended.

Suicide bombings become commonplace in Syria

Relying on translations from the SITE Intelligence Group and other publicly-available information, The Long War Journal has counted 25 reported or suspected suicide bombings in Syria since December 2011. The al Qaeda-linked Al Nusrah Front has claimed responsibility for 18 of these attacks.

United States

The top commander of Coalition forces in Afghanistan said that about 25% of the insider attacks are due to Taliban infiltration and coercion. An aircraft carrier has been deployed to the Persian Gulf ahead of schedule due to threats posed by Iran and the Syrian conflict. Officials announced contingency plans to secure Syrian chemical weapons.

Al Qaeda releases biography of slain senior leader

Al Qaeda has released a biography of Atiyah Abd al Rahman, a senior al Qaeda operative who served as Osama bin Laden’s chief-of-staff. Rahman “engineered” the December 2009 terrorist attack on Combat Outpost Chapman that killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian intelligence officer.