Search Results for: Iran


Security forces arrested a suspected American citizen in Ataq in Shabwa province who is reportedly on the al Qaeda watchlist. The military said it disrupted an Iranian espionage cell that operates in Sana’a and Aden, and has Iranian, Syrian, and Yemeni members.

Israeli Air Force shoots down foreign drone

IAF-drone-shootdown.jpgOn Saturday morning the Israeli Air Force shot down a foreign drone in the northern Negev. The origin of the drone is currently unknown, but early theories point to Hezbollah or Iran.


Yemeni troops foiled a suicide attack on the Al Anad Airbase in Lahj, where the US bases drones and military advisors. President Hadi accused Iran of backing a secessionist movement in southern Yemen.


Rebels captured an air defense base and a supply of missiles. Government aircraft and artillery bombarded Homs, in the heaviest attack in months. Rebels claimed in a video that they would start executing 48 kidnapped Iranian pilgrims if demands are not met.

Al Nusrah Front claims 2 suicide, 2 car bombings in Aleppo

More than 50 people are said to have been killed in the coordinated attacks, which included a complex suicide assault. The terror group has now claimed credit for 26 of the 33 suicide attacks that have taken place in Syria since December 2011.


Four large suicide car bombs exploded in a government district of Aleppo. President Assad ordered 30,000 more troops into the battle for Aleppo. A regional peace initiative including Egypt, Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia appeared to be failing. Syrian state TV attacked Hamas’ leader and Egypt’s president for their support of the rebellion.


Authorities have arrested four men in an investigation into the sale of prohibited nuclear equipment to Iran. The suspects include German-Iranians Gholamali K. and his son Kianzad; an Iranian named Hossein T. who runs companies involved in Iran’s nuclear program; and Rudolph M., an engineer in Weimar.


Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s Master of Iraq Chaos, Still Vexes the US


The US State Department said it believed a missing US journalist was being held by the Syrian government. Damascus saw renewed fighting. Iranian, UN, and NATO officials warned Syria not to use its chemical weapons against anti-government rebels.


Insight: Azerbaijan eyes aiding Israel against Iran


Insurgents killed 32 Iraqis in car bombings in Taji, Madaen, and Al Kut. Iraq said it would stop and inspect Iranian flights that are suspected of transporting weapons to Syria.

United States

The US Embassy in Cairo warned that it has “credible information suggesting terrorist interest in targeting US female missionaries in Egypt.” The State Department removed the Iranian militant group Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) from its terrorist list.


UN nuclear inspectors in acute dilemma if Iran faces attack

Will Europe outlaw Hezbollah?

Hezbollah’s European enablers have permitted the Lebanese terror group to flourish. Now the US Congress is urging the European Union to outlaw the group, which is responsible for the deaths of US and EU soldiers.

United States

President Obama warned the UN that the US will “do what we must” to prevent Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon, but did not indicate the timing or nature of such US action. The US offered Libya help in securing weapons and cracking down on militias. Two Marines will be court-martialed for urinating on the […]


President Morsi said that a strong relationship with Iran was important for Egypt. The leader of Egypt’s Salafist party called on the UN to criminalize contempt of Islam.

United States

The Justice Department named 55 Guantanamo captives who have been cleared for release. They can be released only if they can be safely repatriated or settled, however. Secretary of State Clinton indicated she is willing to remove the Mujahedeen Khalq (M.E.K.), or People’s Mujahedeen, from the list of designated terrorist organizations.


The government denied US claims that it is allowing Iranian weapons and personnel to pass through Iraqi territory to support the Syrian regime. Prime Minister Maliki accused unnamed governments of inciting sectarian strife.


President Assad told Iran’s foreign minister that the rebellion in Syria also targeted Iran and Hezbollah. A government jet bombed a gas station in northern Syria, killing 54 people. Government forces raided a Palestinian refugee camp, arresting hundreds.

‘Foreign militants’ still present in Ghazni

Afghan officials and civilians said that “Pakistanis, Chechens, and Arabs” continue to operate in the southeastern Afghan province, just days after al Qaeda released a video of operations in the province.


Afghanistan: Surrendering rebels say Pakistan, Iran aided them


Insurgents killed two soldiers and a civilian in separate attacks in Mosul. Senator John Kerry threatened to dial back US aid to Iraq if the government does not restrict Iran’s use of Iraqi airspace to support the Syrian regime.


General Mohammed Ali Jafari, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, said that his force had high-level advisers in Lebanon. Lebanese President Michel Suleiman demanded that Iran explain its statement.