Search Results for: TTP


President Aquino urged the armed forces to crush the extremist group Abu Sayyaf and bring its members to justice; he estimated that the group consists of 200 members and at least 200 additional followers. Abu Sayyaf fighters ambushed Philippine troops who were guarding a road project yesterday in Basilan, killing six of them and reportedly […]

Islamic State

Islamic State Releases Video Address By Ethnic Russian Militant

United States

Prosecutors revealed that Mohammed Hamzah Khan, 19, of suburban Chicago, had tried to take his 17-year-old sister and his 16-year-old brother with him to join the Islamic State in the Middle East. The head of US forces in Europe said more rotational troops are needed to address security challenges in Eastern Europe. The US is […]


Kadyrov: ‘Most Chechens In Syria Grew Up In Western Countries’


Pakistan border attack shows Islamists′ strength


Spy agencies averted more deaths in Pakistan-India border bomb: sources


The members of several US-backed rebel groups, including Harakat Hazm and the Syrian Revolutionary Front, surrendered, fled, or defected over the weekend in the face of an offensive by the Al Nusrah Front in Idlib province. Bases and weapons, likely including US-supplied TOW missile systems, were seized by the jihadist group. The Islamic State has […]


Two female school teachers and a Foreign Affairs Ministry official were gunned down in separate drive-by shootings on Sunday. No one has claimed the attacks.


A bomb exploded near Egyptian troops razing houses to create a buffer zone with Gaza, causing no casualties. Egyptian security officials claimed to have evidence of communication between the Sinai-based Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis and the Islamic State. Thirty-four individuals accused of terrorism were referred to a military court on Saturday; 56 judges were suspended on […]


A medical official estimated yesterday that over 210 people have been killed in the past two weeks of fighting between Islamist militias and the forces of General Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi. Pro-government forces “recaptured military positions that the Islamists … had seized in July” over the weekend and now claim to hold all of eastern […]


Two Malian soldiers were killed and four wounded by a bomb in Almoustrate in northern Mali.


Five military commanders were arrested for abandoning Mubi in the face of a Boko Haram assault last Wednesday; 350 children are “feared missing” after the attack. The UK Minister of State pledged “support” for Nigeria, but stressed that “it is for the Nigerian authorities to resolve the matter.”

United Kingdom

Erol Incedal, 26, a Turkish-born Briton currently on trial for suspected terrorist activity including a plot targeting former prime minister Tony Blair, also tried to plan a robbery with three sons of extremist cleric Abu Hamza – Hamza, Sufyan, and Yaasir. Counterterrorism police are investigating the hacking of a Yorkshire rugby club’s website by Islamic […]


A Shia Muslim man was shot outside an Islamic center in southwest Sydney, reportedly by local Islamic State supporters. Khaled Sharrouf and Mohamed Elomar, two Australians who joined the Islamic State in Syria in late 2013, have been linked to Australian construction kingpin George Alex, who is currently under investigation for corrupt business practices.


Canadian fighter jets dropped laser-guided missiles on Islamic State targets near Fallujah in Iraq, in the first Canadian airstrikes of the campaign against the terrorist group. Defense Minister Nicholson said that “[t]oday’s strike demonstrates our government’s firm resolve to tackle the threat of terrorism and to stand with our allies.” An intelligence official of the […]

Al Nusrah Front

Al Qaeda’s Nusrah lays out conditions to release captured Lebanese soldiers


Swiss authorities acknowledged that three Iraqi men arrested in March are suspected of planning terrorist attacks in Europe with explosives and toxic gases. The three suspects also allegedly facilitated the travel of 40 fighters from Switzerland to the Islamic State in the Middle East. Reports said two of the men lived in Switzerland and the […]

Islamic State captures large swaths of Shaer gas field in Homs

The Islamic State has been battling regime forces for the Shaer gas field in the desert east of the city of Palmyra. While the Syrian regime still controls parts of the field, the jihadist group has been able to seize large portions, including two natural gas plants.

Al Nusrah Front

Qatar pares support for Islamists but careful to preserve ties

Al Nusrah Front

Theo Padnos, American Journalist, on Being Kidnapped, Tortured and Released in Syria


Taliban return to Afghan town that rose up and drove out its leaders


The Taliban killed four soldiers and seven policemen in a suicide attack in Logar province. A Taliban suicide bomber killed only himself in a premature detonation in Kandahar. Most of the district of Gizab in Uruzgan is now under Taliban control.


The Islamic State reportedly executed 50 members of the Albu Nimr tribe who opposed the group in Hit. A suicide bomber killed five people in an attack at a checkpoint in Baghdad. The US launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State near Al Qaim and the Mosul Dam.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed 20 soldiers in an attack on a government building in Jabal Ras in Hodeidah; three al Qaeda fighters were also killed. Houthi rebels killed two guards and a civilian in an attack on the Islah Party headquarters in Ibb.

AQAP continues to portray US-led bombing campaign as a ‘Crusade’

In a pair of videos released in late October, two leading AQAP ideologues preached jihadist unity in the face of the US-led coalition’s bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria. One of the videos also included thinly-veiled criticisms of the Islamic State’s declared caliphate.

Islamic State

New Alignments: The Kurds’ Lonely Fight against Islamic State Terror