Search Results for: Iran


The real Iranian threat: Cyberattacks


Inside Israel’s nuclear wargames


A pipeline transporting liquefied natural gas to the Balhaf terminal was bombed. Yemen’s former ambassador to Syria said that country was used as a conduit for Iran to foment unrest in Yemen.


Israeli jets bomb Sudan missile site in dry run for Iran attack


Insurgents killed 13 Iraqis in a car bombing in Baghdad and two more in IED attacks in Madaan. Security forces searched an Iranian airline thought to be transporting weapons to Syria.


Insurgents killed 13 people, including three children, in separate attacks in Baghdad. One attack targeted a busload of Iranian pilgrims. Security forces detained 12 wanted terrorists in Baghdad.


A munitions factory in Khartoum was destroyed by explosions. The Sudanese government accused Israel of destroying the factory with an air attack. Israeli officials refused to comment, but accused Sudan of aiding terrorism and transferring weapons to Hamas in Gaza with the help of Iran.

United Kingdom

The government rejected US requests to use UK bases in the Gulf for a military buildup. The prime minister’s spokesperson said military action against Iran was not “the right course of action at this moment.”


Cyberspace the new frontier in Iran’s war with foes


Cyberattack on Saudi Oil Firm Disquiets US


One shady operator provides glimpse of supply line to Iran

United States

ISAF commander Gen. John Allen said al Qaeda is re-emerging in Afghanistan. Other US officials say there are only 50 to 100 al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan; the governor of Logar province says there are 100 to 150 al Qaeda fighters in Logar. The White House denied a media report that it was ready to […]


The Corner Where Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan Meet


Government forces continued air strikes against a strategically important town in northern Syria. Stalemated fighting continued in Aleppo. Iran and Turkey said they supported a ceasefire proposal brokered by the UN. Some 33,000 Syrians have died in the conflict and 340,000 have become refugees.

Al Nusrah Front claims 4 more suicide attacks in Syria

The group has now claimed credit for 31 of the 38 suicide bombings in Syria that the The Long War Journal has tallied since December 2011. Since the end of August, Al Nusrah has claimed credit for launching 13 suicide attacks.

United States

Authorities charged Bangladeshi student Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis in an FBI sting operation in which Nafis thought he was executing an al Qaeda plot to blow up the Federal Reserve building in Manhattan. In another New York courtroom, Iranian-American citizen Manssor Arbabsiar pled guilty to plotting with Iran’s Quds Force to assassinate the Saudi […]


Bahrain king blasts ‘foreign’ links to unrest in swipe at Iran


Hezbollah’s chief financial officer fled to Israel, taking with him $5 million in embezzled funds as well as classified documents and maps. In September he and four others had been arrested by Iranian intelligence officers for collaborating with Israel.

United States

US officials said Iran was behind a series of cyberatttacks against US targets, including financial institutions. The attacks began early in 2012, later shifted to targets in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Israel, and then refocused on US banks over the past month.


A senior Yemeni security official who guarded the US embassy in Sana’a was gunned down in the capital. Security forces seized Iranian weapons thought to be destined for Yemeni “rebels.”


Israel abandoned plans for an imminent attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Israeli intelligence concluded that a significant portion of Iran’s 20% enriched uranium had been diverted to a medical research reactor.


An Azerbaijani court convicted 22 people for assisting Iran in plotting terrorist attacks on US and Israeli targets in the country. The defendants were accused of planning attacks in cooperation with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.