Search Results for: TTP


Touareg rebel groups formed a joint military command in northern Mali. A spokesman stated that the aim is “to help secure Azawad against the various criminal, smuggling and terrorism gangs which destabilise the region.”


After the PST warned of an increased likelihood of terrorist attacks on police and military forces as well as political figures in Norway, security was stepped up. The PST said the Islamic State’s call for attacks on coalition countries must be viewed “in the context of changes to the modus operandi of extreme Islamist terror […]


Kenyan Muslim cleric Salim Bakari Mwarangi shot dead in Mombasa

New Zealand

Prime Minister Key said New Zealand will not send combat troops to the Middle East to fight the Islamic State, but that his country may send military trainers. New Zealand authorities are monitoring 30 to 40 extremists, of whom some have fought in Syria, some have been involved in terrorist financing, and some have had […]


Iranian general is said to mastermind Iraq ground war

United States

Fawzi al Odah, 37, a Kuwaiti man held at Guantanamo for nearly 13 years on suspicion of links to al Qaeda leaders, was released to Kuwait. Following the Republican Party’s taking control of the Senate as well as the House in yesterday’s election, President Obama said he will work with Congress to develop a new […]


Mortar rounds crashed into a school in the rebel-held town of Qaboun, killing at least 11 children. Some ethnic Kurds are aiding the Islamic State near Kobane, according to Kurdish officials. Islamic State fighters have vowed to continue fighting in Kobane, as the outcome of the battle remains uncertain. US strategy in Syria is in […]

United Kingdom

The Defence Ministry said UK military trainers will be deployed to Iraq to help Iraqi forces in the battle against the Islamic State. A passenger bus caught fire and exploded in south London; the cause has not been established. A Bangladeshi man arrested yesterday in Cornwall on suspicion of terrorism was released on bail.


The Iraqi military said it killed 33 Islamic State fighters near Tikrit, Mosul, and Latafiyah. Iraqi intelligence captured an Islamic State judge and three aides in Ninewa. The Islamic State is reported to be advancing on the town of Kuwayr just south of Irbil.


The US killed 20 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a drone strike in Radaa in Baydah province. The strike took place as AQAP is battling Iranian-supported Shia Houthi rebels. The US may place sanctions on former President Saleh and two Houthi leaders for fomenting unrest in Yemen.

Al Nusrah Front

Al Qaeda Ally’s Advance Imperils Moderate Syrian Rebels

United States

Representatives of the US, Britain, and France have asked the United Nations to add Ansar al Sharia in Libya to the global terrorist sanctions list. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said no further troop reductions in Europe are on the horizon. Irek Hamidullin, a Taliban commander who was captured in Afghanistan in 2009 […]


Major US army division ends operations in Afghanistan 13 years after it arrived

Islamic State

Rights group: Child captives suffered ‘torture and abuse’ by Islamic State


Afghan Interior Ministry denies reports of Afghan Local Police selling weapons to Taliban


Pakistan mob kills Christian couple over alleged ‘blasphemy’


Overview of French nuclear sites by drones raises questions

Al Qaeda

British Intelligence Official Says US Tech Companies Offer Terrorists ‘Networks of Choice’


Malaysia Memo: The Right to Say ‘God’ Divides a Diverse Nation


Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, a Sinai-based jihadist group, has sworn allegiance to the Islamic State. Egypt is investigating 600 citizens who traveled to Iraq and Syria for connections to the Islamic State. Egyptian officials are discussing an agreement with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE to combat regional jihadist groups.


The country’s presidential campaign began on Nov. 1 in the wake of the secularists’ victory in parliamentary elections. Tunisia has been labeled the largest source of manpower for jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria.


Dozens of residents have fled, a ship was damaged, and at least 13 people were killed as fighting between Islamist militias and pro-government forces in Benghazi continued near the city’s port. A Libyan National Army airstrike targeting an Islamist convoy heading to Benghazi from Sirte killed an unknown number of militants and destroyed “weapons and […]


A suicide bomber targeting an Ashoura procession of Shiites killed at least 29 people in northeast Yobe state. In central Kogi state, 132 inmates are at large after militants blew their way into the prison with explosives; one inmate died, eight were recaptured, and four surrendered. Boko Haram is suspected in both attacks. Upcoming elections […]

United Kingdom

A Bangladeshi man was arrested in Cornwall on suspicion of Syria-related terrorist activity. The head of Britain’s GCHQ warned that US-based Internet services “have become the command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists and criminals,” and said the GCHQ, MI5, and the Secret Intelligence Service will need more cooperation from the private sector. A government audit […]