Search Results for: Pakistan


The Pakistani Army moved a division of troops from tribal areas to the Indian border. A Taliban commander in North Waziristan took credit for the Dec. 24 bombing in Lahore. The government said it would take over the schools run by Jamaat-ud-Dawa. The Taliban bombed a girls’ school in Swat.


UN hopeful of Bhutto assassination investigation


Pakistan cancels troops’ leave over India tension


Pakistan will ignore Mumbai bomber™s consular plea


“India looking for a ‘scapegoat™, says Pakistan Prime Minister


Pakistan has moved troops to the Indian border. Police detained 12 terrorists plotting to attack in Islamabad. Sixty-eight Taliban surrendered in Mohmand; four were killed in Bajaur. The Taliban kidnapped an ANP leader in Hangu and bombed five shops in Peshawar.


No legal aid to Mumbai terrorist unless citizenship proved: Pakistan


Kayani, the real power wielder in Pakistan


Security forces killed 11 Taliban in Swat. The Taliban banned female education in Swat. A Chinese engineer was killed in Malakand. A woman was killed in a car bombing in Lahore; police claimed “Indian spies” were behind the bombing. The “masterminds” behind the kidnapping of an Iranian diplomat have been arrested.


Pakistan: Government building blown up in Mohmand Agency


Pakistani soldier among three held in terror plot


Interpol said India has failed to share evidence concerning the Mumbai attacks, while a UN official said Pakistan has complied with sanctions against Jamaat-ud-Daw and Lashkar-e-Taiba. A soldier was killed in a Taliban rocket attack in North Waziristan. A Taliban leader was handed over to authorities in Mohmand. The Taliban killed four people and bombed […]

Pakistani Taliban vows to battle India

Baitullah Mehsud offers to send hundreds of suicide bombers and thousands of “well-armed” fighters to fight alongside the Pakistani Army in the event of war with India.


US military chief urges India and Pakistan to work together


A monster out of control: Pakistan secret agents tell of militant links


Indian provided proof of Pakistani involvement in the Mumbai attacks. Fifteen Taliban were killed in Bajaur. Four civilians were wounded in multiple bombings at a Peshawar school. The Awami National Party fears the birth of another East Pakistan if the situation in the northwest is not resolved.


Pakistan: Air force on ‘alert’ for Indian strike


‘Lashkar was operating as Dawa™


Enough proof given, Pakistan must act: India


The Taliban executed two “US spies” in North Waziristan. The Taliban are enforcing Sharia in Arakzai. A large cache of arms seized during the Lal Masjid raid has been stolen. Four Taliban fighters were killed in Pakistani airstrikes in Bajaur.


Poll shows pessimism growing in Pakistan


Three truckers transporting NATO supplies were killed in a Taliban attack in Khyber. A NATO supplier and nine others were kidnapped in the tribal agencies. Mohmand tribal elders demanded an end to military operations in the agency. The US will provide $300 million in military aid to Pakistan over the next five years.


Militants kill three Pakistanis supplying NATO


President Zardari said the government would be in control of Mohmand and Bajaur agencies by the end December. Security forces clashed with the Taliban in Bajaur; the Taliban kidnapped a policeman in Arakzai and attacked a police station in Bannu. A leader in the Awami National Party urged the Jamaat-e-Islami to declare jihad against the […]


Al Qaeda operative Omar Saeed Sheikh plotted to kill Pakistan™s former president while serving a jail sentence. Jamaat-e-Islami organized protests to shut down the NATO supply lines. Four engineers were kidnapped at the Torkham border crossing. Police in Mardan broke up a terror ring.