Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistan’s Swat: A state within state


Pakistan: The Power of the Pulpit


Living under duress: Swat residents subjected to many ‘dos and don™ts™


More than 40 Taliban and 20 Frontier Corps troops were killed in a Taliban assault ona base in Mohmand; more than 25 Frontier Corps troops have been captured. A ceasefire has been imposed in Hangu after 30 people were killed in sectarian clashes. Three Pakistanis were killed in a mortar attack in Hangu. A Senator […]


Tribal leaders in the northwest pledged 60,000 fighters if there is a war with India. Seventeen Pakistanis were killed and more than 30 were wounded during sectarian clashes in Hangu. The Taliban are running sharia courts in Swat.


Pakistan: 11 killed in Hangu clashes


The government reportedly reestablished contact with Baitullah Mehsud. The Taliban released 13 tribal leaders kidnapped in Bajaur. Five small explosions at two theaters in Lahore wounded six people. Two government officials were gunned down in North Waziristan.


On the trail of Pakistan’s Taliban


Taliban spreading to settled areas of Pakistan’s Northwest


US intelligence said al Qaeda’s operational commander for Pakistan and his lieutenant were killed in the Jan. 1 airstrike in South Waziristan. Both men were wanted for the 1998 US embassy bombings in East Africa. The Taliban bombed a CD shop in Peshawar.


Pakistan’s New Intelligence Chief: ‘Terror Is Our Enemy, Not India’ – SPIEGEL ONLINE


Pakistan sacked its national security adviser for admitted the lone surviving Mumbai terrorist is Pakistani. The Taliban murdered two more “US spies” in North Waziristan and killed three policemen in Hangu. Police arrested four al Qaeda operatives in Panjgur near the border with Iran.


What price Russian cooperation on Afghanistan?|


National Security Adviser Says Pakistan Is Top US Challenge


‘Taliban™s sharia paving way for army operations in FATA™


The Taliban murdered two more “US spies” in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed four policemen during an attack on a checkpoint in Hangu; another policeman was killed while defusing a bomb in Bannu. Four more beheaded bodies were found in Swat. An office of the political administration in Mohmand was bombed and the Taliban attacked […]


Pakistan Vows Cooperation with Afghanistan on Terror


Worries In Pakistan That Taliban Imposing ‘Parallel’ Government


India PM says Pakistan agencies linked to attack


Pakistan doublespeak, says Mumbai proof not credible


‘Jamaat has no alliance with LeT’


Jihad obligatory if India attacks Pakistan: fatwa


The Taliban took 11 tribal leaders hostage in Bajaur and killed three “US spies” in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed two people and bombed the home of a journalist in Swat, where police are resigning due to threats. Afghans have been ordered to leave Khyber in one week.


India says hands Mumbai attack evidence to Pakistan


Ten Pakistanis were killed in a suicide attack near a college in Dera Ismail Khan. A Baluchi leader said the Taliban is consolidating control in Quetta and are being directed to fight Baluchi nationalists. The Taliban warned women not to go to aid offices or go to school.


‘Light the fire!™ order set Mumbai ablaze