Search Results for: Iran


At least 20 people in the northern town of Hretaan were killed by what opposition activists claimed was a Scud missile. The Syrian Military Council claimed that a number of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard commanders were killed yesterday when Free Syrian Army forces attacked a plane allegedly carrying arms from Iran as it landed at Damascus […]


Authorities thwarted 10 plots targeting vital sites in the Sinai this week. In a protest near Cairo, Islamists demanded the “purging of biased Egyptian media.” Jama’a al-Islamiya called for the creation of Islamist media outlets. At least 30 people were injured in clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and protesters in Alexandria. Salafists protested the visit […]


President Obama began his first trip to Israel as President. Defense Secretary Hagel is planning an April visit to Israel. An Israeli official said the US is “very seriously” preparing for a potential attack on Iran. Intelligence Minister Steinitz said it was “apparently clear” that chemical weapons were used in Syria on March 19. The […]


Rebels extended their control over parts of Ghouta, an agricultural area to the south and east of Damascus. Damascus airport remains closed to civilian traffic, but Iranian planes land every two to three days allegedly bringing arms to the Assad regime. A brigadier general and 20 soldiers defected.

United States

The Pentagon is adding 14 missile interceptors on the West Coast at a cost of $1 billion to bolster US defenses against a North Korean attack. President Obama told Israel that Iran was more than year away from developing a nuclear weapon, and said the US would try to resolve the problem diplomatically but would […]

Al Qaeda

Iran, al-Qaeda relationship is showing cracks, US officials and analysts say


Iran and Hezbollah ‘have built 50,000-strong force to help Syrian regime’

Saudi Arabia

Arab interior ministers at a security meeting in Riyadh accused Iran of supplying “logistic help to terrorist operations” in Bahrain and Yemen. They also congratulated the security services in both countries for “dismantling cells and uncovering dangerous terror plots.”


Iran accelerated its military support for the Assad regime, alongside Russia. Britain and France pushed the EU to lift its arms embargo on Syrian rebels. They were prepared to arm the rebels even without unanimous EU support. Russia said arming the rebels would be illegal.


A film about Egypt’s Jews was banned by authorities. Seven Palestinians, who were recently in Syria and Iran, were detained at Cairo International Airport but then released after maps in their possession were determined to be for locations in Gaza, and not Egypt as originally thought. Egyptian officials said they were determined to continue closing […]

United States

The US granted exemptions to 10 European nations and Japan from Iran sanctions because those 11 nations have recently reduced their imports of Iranian oil. Iran is buying wheat from the US for the first time in three years. The Obama administration is planning to give US intelligence agencies greater access to the financial data […]

United States

Intelligence Official Warns Congress That Cyberattacks Pose Threat to U.S.


Outgoing Defense Minister Barak said it will become clear this year whether Iran will continue its nuclear weapons program or rein it in. The commander of the Erez Battalion said there is an increasing prevalence of pipe bombs being thrown at Israeli security forces in the West Bank. Communities near the Gaza border are planting […]

Al Qaeda

Iran: Haven or prison for al Qaeda?


Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in operations in Arakzai and Khyber. Eleven Taliban and Ansarul Islam fighters were killed in clashes in Khyber’s Tirah Valley. The US said Pakistan may face sanctions if it completes a gas pipeline with Iran.


India set to halt Iran oil imports over insurance


Five Taliban fighters and one security official were killed in fighting in Arakzai. The Taliban released a video of a university chancellor who was kidnapped in Peshawar two years ago. Pakistan will build a gas line to Iran despite US objections.

Former bin Laden spokesman in US custody

Sulaiman Abu Ghaith served Osama bin Laden as a spokesman, threatened mass casualty attacks against America, and recruited the al Qaeda cell responsible for a 2002 attack on US Marines in Kuwait. He lived under a loose former of house arrest in Iran for years before being reportedly freed in 2010.


Security forces killed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighter as he was planting a roadside bomb in Lawder in Abyan province. The Yemeni coast guard seized another Iranian ship, the Jihan 2, as it was transporting weapons.


US General Mattis said the US and regional allies are planning for potential stability operations in Syria in case the Assad regime collapsed. Some 20 UN peacekeepers on the Golan Heights were detained by 30 rebel fighters. The UK said it would provide armored vehicles, body armor, and rescue equipment to Syrian rebels but no […]


The main opposition party urged the government to clarify its position on al Qaeda after the Turkish envoy to Chad tweeted last month that “al Qaeda is very different from terror.” The party’s deputy chairman also asked why former al Qaeda spokesman Abu Ghaith is still in Turkey after the US reportedly sought his extradition […]


US Weighs Risks and Motives of Hacking by China or Iran

Gulf States

The six monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council criticized the world’s inaction on Syria. They also condemned Iran’s interference in their internal affairs.