Search Results for: suicide assault

Taliban claim suicide attack outside Bagram Air Base

The Taliban claimed they carried out the attack to take “revenge” for the burning of Korans at the base more than two weeks ago. Another suicide bomber killed an Afghan intelligence official in Jalalabad.

Suicide bomber kills 17 in Kabul, including 5 ISAF troops

A suicide bomber flipped an up-armored Rhino in the capital; the Taliban claimed credit for the attack. Three Australian soldiers were killed in Kandahar, and a female suicide bomber attacked Afghan intelligence officials in Kunar.

Suicide bombers kill 24 Pakistanis in Quetta

The attack took place just two days after the Pakistani military announced it arrested Younis al Mauritani, a senior member of al Qaeda’s external operations council, in Quetta. The Frontier Corps, which was the target of the suicide attack, was involved in the raid that netted Mauritani.