Search Results for: TTP

IDF prepares for ground offensive in Gaza

The IDF issued an order for all Palestinian civilians to leave northern Gaza, a clear indication that Israel troops will soon enter. The IDF is heavily targeting Hamas assets in Gaza.

Generation Jihad Ep. 99 — The Kabul Fiasco

Bill is joined by Jerry Dunleavy and James Hasson to discuss their new book: Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco — from the Biden administration’s deeply flawed decision to withdraw from Afghanistan to its equally disastrous execution of the withdrawal, which was completed two years ago today.

Generation Jihad Ep. 98 — Fatal Transaction

Hosts Bill and Caleb are joined by Caleb’s colleagues from the Bridgeway Foundation: Tara Candland (Vice President of Research and Analysis at Bridgeway) and Ryan O’Farrell (Senior Analyst at Bridgeway and Long War Journal contributor).

They discuss Bridgeway’s June 2023 report co-authored by Caleb, Ryan, and Tara and published with George Washington University’s Program on Extremism: Fatal Transaction: The Funding Behind the Islamic State’s Central Africa Province.

Generation Jihad Ep. 96 — New UN report on al Qaeda and the Islamic State

Bill is again joined by Generation Jihad regular Ambassador Edmund Fitton-Brown to discuss the latest report from the UN Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team (which Edmund previously led). Released on July 25, 2023, the Team’s thirty-second report provides an update on al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Bill and Edmund unpack findings, discuss a few highlights, and also explain some points of disagreement.

U.S. designates Islamic State financier in Somalia

The U.S. government designated Abdiweli Mohamed Yusuf, the financial emir of the Islamic State’s Somali Province. This move, however, has much wider implications than just the Islamic State’s Somali operations.