Search Results for: Lashkar-e-Taiba

Only in Pakistan…

…can the man who helped the US kill Osama bin Laden get 33 years in prison, while terrorists like Hafiz Saeed walk free.

Bin Laden docs hint at large al Qaeda presence in Pakistan

Badr Mansoor led just one Pakistani “company,” and has been reported to have more than 2,000 fighters under his command. For the last three years, the US government has maintained that al Qaeda has only 300 to 400 operatives in Pakistan and that the network is on the verge of defeat.

United Kingdom

The Labour party suspended life peer Lord Ahmed for allegedly saying he would offer a bounty on President Obama and former President George W. Bush in retaliation for the US bounty on Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed. Shabaab echoed al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq in warning Britain not to deport Abu Qatada to […]


A Pakistani intelligence official claimed Lashkar-e-Taiba emir Hafiz Saeed is involved in de-radicalizing jihadists in Punjab. Security forces detained 12 terrorists and seized suicide vests in Peshawar. The Taliban bombed a girls’ school in Mohmand.


A suicide bomber killed three people in an attack in Karachi. The Foreign Office said Pakistan would not accede to US pressure to turn over Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed.

Kashmiri is dead, al Qaeda spokesman suggests

Ustad Ahmad Farooq, al Qaeda’s spokesman for Pakistan, mentions Ilyas Kashmiri with Baitullah Mehsud, Ibn Amin, and Badr Mansour, who were all killed in drone strikes. “May Allah have mercy on all of them,” Farooq said.


Security forces arrested two Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives in New Delhi. “They were planning to detonate a bomb or more than one bomb in a crowded locality,” India’s home minister said.


The Lashkar-e-Islam killed nine members of a militia in an IED attack in Khyber. Thousands of Pakistanis attended a Defense of Pakistan Council rally in Rawalpindi. Lashkar-e-Taiba head Hafiz Saeed is one of the group’s leaders.

Al Qaeda

Lashkar-e-Taiba: Terror incorporated


India – Lashkar-e-Taiba raising 21 female terrorists against India: Army

United States

Jubair Ahmad, a 24-year-old Pakistani resident of Woodbridge, Va., pled guilty to terror charges in US federal court. In 2010 he posted on the Internet a propaganda video glorifying the violent extremism of the Lashkar-e-Taiba.