Search Results for: Islamic Jihad Union

Somali minister aided Shabaab suicide attack

State Minister for Defense Sheikh Yusuf Mohammad Siad, who is better known as Indha’adde, sold intelligence to Shabaab that allowed the terror group to conduct a suicide attack that killed the deputy AMISOM commander and 20 others.

US strikes Haqqani Network in North Waziristan

Thirteen are reported killed in the latest airstrike in Pakistan’s tribal areas. A suicide attack in North Waziristan targets security forces, kills five. Baitullah Mehsud takes credit for New York shooting spree.

Yemen’s three terror fronts

With al Qaeda active on three fronts in Yemen, a deadly suicide attack on tourists raises questions about the Yemeni government’s involvement.

Somalia’s rising tide of extremism

Four high-level US officials discussed the terrorist threat emanating from Somalia, as well as the Somali terrorist recruiting network on American soil, this week. The officials confirmed that al Qaeda and its allies are growing stronger by the day in East Africa.

Violence in Iraq drops dramatically

The targeting of al Qaeda in Iraq and Iranian-backed Shia terror groups, along with the rise of local Iraqi security forces, has netted results 10 months after the announcement of “The Surge.”

U.S. Naval Task Force strikes at 1998 al Qaeda Embassy bomber

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the intelligence chief for the Islamic Courts and other unnamed high value targets attacked in Puntland, Somalia Fazul Abdullah Mohammed. Click to view. Six months after Ethiopia’s invasion of southern Somalia to oust the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts, the Transitional Federal Government, backed by Ethiopian armed forces and a small contingent […]


Fighting between Ethiopian troops and Islamic Courts fighters resulted in over 60 killed and 200 wounded. U.S. citizen Daniel Maldonado (a.k.a. Daniel Aljughaifi) plead guilty to joining the Islamic Courts union and fighting jihad with al Qaeda.

Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law, killed in Madagascar

Mohammed Jamal Khalifa. (CBS Photo). Click photo to view. Khalifa had an extensive history in funding, plotting al Qaeda terrorist activities; Task Force 145 likely scored the kill Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, one of Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-laws with deep roots in al Qaeda as a financier and facilitator, has been killed in his bedroom in […]

The Battle of Baidoa

The final showdown is taking place in Somalia between the Islamic Courts Union, backed by al Qaeda, and the Transitional Federal Government, backed by Ethiopia Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. For months, the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts Union has been preparing the battlefield for the final […]

Puntland, Somalia Clash south of Galkayo; Iran’s Hand

Fighting breaks out in Puntland; Iran supplies weapons and other support to the Islamic Courts Islamic Court Militia cheers during the handing over of weapons by the rivall militia in Mogadishu, Thursday, July 13, 2006. (AP Photo / Mohamed Sheikh Nor.) Click image to view. The Islamic Courts Union and forces from the semi autonomous […]


Yemen is fast becoming a new terrorist training center, according to Australian sources. Eight foreign al Qaeda suspects were arrested for smuggling weapons to Somalia’s Islamic Courts Union. “The men had links to the Islamic Imam university in Sana’a,” the same university John Walker Lindh, the “American Taliban,” attended.


The Islamic Courts Union denied kidnapping members of the parliament transiting to Baidoa. Over 3,000 fighters have been enlisted by the ICU. Another town, Sakow in Middle Juba, has fallen to the ICU. Large ‘jihad’ demonstrations will be held across ICU held territory.

The Impending Baidoa Showdown

The Islamic Courts and the transitional government are due to clash in central Somalia Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The showdown in the central Somali town of Baidoa, where the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has established its capital since the rise of the Islamic Courts, appears to […]

al Qaeda in Somalia

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Sheik Yusuf Indohaadde during a news briefing, Saturday, June 17, 2006. AP photograph, click to view. Just days after Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, the chairman of Somalia’s Islamic Courts Union attempted to distance his movement from Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, a senior member of the ICU has appearaed on […]

Somalia’s Terror Camps

16 of 17 known locations of terror training camps. Map is from 2002. Click map to view. As the situation in Somalia deteriorates and the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts Union (or al-Ittihad Mahakem al-Islamiya) consolidates power in the capital city of Mogadishu, the Ethiopian military has crossed the border into Somalia. Approximately 200-300 Ethiopian […]

Excerpts from the Osama bin Laden Tape

The latest Osama bin Laden tape has focused almost exclusively on the death and lionization of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, with very little deviation on this theme. As Evan Kohlmann indicated last evening, the “intended audience are those primarily supportive of Al Qaeda.” Excerpted below are items of interest in the tape (post will be updated […]

Zawahiri, and al Qaeda’s Future Plans

The fate of Ayman al-Zawahiri is still unknown after an airstrike in the Pakistani town of Damadola, near the Afghan border in the province of Bajaur. An Al-Arabiya source close to al Qaeda states Zawahiri is still alive, and Pakistani intelligence sources claim he escaped the attack. American intelligence officials are still eager to see […]

The Seven Phases of The Base

With the fourth anniversay of the hot war between al Qaeda and the West approaching, it is interesting to see how al Qaeda’s strategy and objectives have evolved since the United States committed to engaging in open warfare. The Word Unheard points us to an article in Spiegel Online by a Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein, […]

Saif al-Adel, Zarqawi, al Qaeda and Iran

News on the Zarqawi front has gone cold; however the Coalition continues its efforts to dismantle his organization by attacking the middlemen. Abed Dawood Suleiman, Zarqawi’s military aide, and his son Raed, a former captain in Saddam’s army, have been captured outside of Baghdad. Jassim Hazan Hamadi al-Bazi, a bomb maker who “built and sold […]